isnt it cool how the sig is on everything multiple times? im going to get good at it myself. how good can you get?
Haha…i cant do it at all.
then theres a cheuququuuqquuk fraud…
to the both of you, Jagur and Tyler
Nah, Only to Tyler.
well…ok but it is still kinda weird how he can do it perfectly
Who? Jag? Tyler?
JAg obviously look how perfect he has it. actually Jag my have another job forhimself he will have to get some seriouse plastic surgery and after that you can sign stuff for Kris so he doesnt have to!
Tyler that looks like: Kwist Holmses
he ment to do that.
yeah he meant to do that. Was it funny no not really
This is my new sig (I just had a 20 oz coke and a LiveWire, so my handwriting’s sorta shaky):
Jag post a real Kris Holm sig and then you to make a side by side comparision…