The I'm so bored thread

I was so bored… so I rode this thread …

Ahh I thought this was MR.

We already have one of these…it’s called MR

you guys are bored? i got my uni back today, wonderful bliss…

Do you have to sign a UPS slip when a unicycle comes from UDC? I am expecting mine this afternoon, but will not be home.

I am never bored. There is always some problem or idea to ponder whether personal or pertaining to the larger world. I try to always have something to read with me, but can retreat to those problems or ideas when nothing else is available.

Some colleagues and I were discussing jury duty the other day and the folks there who will literally sit for entire days with nothing to read and who talk to no one else but simply stare into space. Reminded me of Elaine’s boyfriend Putty and how distressed she became when he sat on the airplane simply staring straight ahead with a vacant look on his face.

Those people staring into space may not be bored.

Boredom is a condition of emotional distress, usually low level, but nonetheless often intolerable enough to play a role in overeating, drug and alcohol abuse, promiscuous sex, shopoholism, etc.

its pouring out so im bored