The Homeless Life

So I was recently reading the dumpster diving forums on
And a site was brought to my attention about somebody that is currently living the homeless life. Actually they are living a very savage. Homeless life.
They have a blog here, and they do some pretty nasty things. But anyways, in the dumpster diving forums. Someone said that everyone thinks about living the homeless life for a little while.
Well what are your thoughts on this?
I must say. I actually think it would be sorta interesting to live the homeless life a while maybe say like a year. But after a year of being homeless I think it would be tough to get back into a “normal” life with a job and such. So what do you think?

it would be cool to be “homeless” in the way that you are traveling abroad, around the world and stuff, but not in the out living on the streets homeless.

Yeah, I’ve contemplated that kind of homeless life before… not staying in one location for more than 6 months.

Me too!
Still thinking about it. Become a hobo! I’d have my guitar and my unicycle to earn my living and help me get to places and into trouble. The only problem is I like showering every day.

Would travelling across Europe and living in youth hostels along the way be considered homeless? I’ve wanted to do that for a while.

To me, being homeless means sleeping under a bridge, pushing all your worldly belongings around in a shopping cart and having no money. Spending money to travel across Europe and stay in hostels does not qualify as homeless to me.

What if you earn the money as you spend it, whether by busking or finding coolie jobs? Does that make you more homeless?

you can be homeless and busk, but a coolie job, I don’t know what that is, but if you have one yeah, you can be homeless. Homeless just means you don’t have a house. But it usually means you also don’t have a job.

A guy I work with during the summers lives just like that. He and his wife probably haven’t stayed in one place for more than 6 months since they got married 3 years ago.

This thread reminds me of The Razor’s Edge.

Once you get the wanderlust in your system it will be very hard for you to get rid of it. If I weren’t anchored down by the wifey I’d be living off my bike, constantly touring until I ran out of money, working for 6 months to save up, and touring again until the money ran out, rinse, repeat.

It reminds me of a note I read from one hobo to another. “I love you more than wanderlust.” Otherwise I’d be gone…

I’d miss the unicycle, I 'spose…

Several of my friends and I are “planning” a year long trainhopping trip all over the US and maybe Mexico. I think homebums are lame as shit, but tramps are where its at.

John Hodgman in his book The Areas of My Expertise describes a very interesting Hobo History. I urge you all to read it.

Matt beat me to it, but these ideas are a lot like one of the lifestyles in Razor’s Edge. It’s a good book, by Somerset Maugham…you should read it, habbywall (and anyone else who wants to do this).

I’ve thought about that too, I might do it later in life. The only problem is that my parents would hate me forever, I think…

A tramp has always been appealing to me. We trainhopped to Launceston one day from Burnie, which is like a two hour drive, it was great. Took us whole long weekend and we only really ‘hopped’ two train’s and the rest was walking. I could live that life more often. just camping out and not having to worry about nothing. and yes we had no money and had to ring parents to come pick us up when we got there. They were not impressed to say the least.