the highest side hop i have ever seen

the reason this is not in R.S.U is because not a unicycle sidehop but a bike side hop.But just watch anyways you will be astounded:D its a 135cm high

direct link


There are two video clips of Ryan Leech doing a 44 inch (112 cm) sidehop over a bar at He does it on a stock trials bike.

The site is all flash so I can’t give a direct link. Go to “Pics 'n Vids”. Then go down to the videos. The first one is “LEECH TEASER” and has the 44 inch sidehop about halfway through. The last video (you have to scroll the video list down one row) is “SIDEHOP” and shows just the sidehop from the first clip.

I don’t know what the current sidehop height is for the trials bikes and I don’t know if they keep separate records for stock and mod. At one time Ryan was jumping higher than the official world record. I don’t know if he ever officially held the world record mark. The European trials guys are setting some crazy high hops and crazy high drops now.

unicycles are not that far behind arent we at like 105 cm for the record?

I had to watch that 5 times before I could draw myself away from it. :slight_smile: Absolutely incredible, but the thing that impresses me even more after watching this guy’s technique frame by frame is that people like Ryan and Zack are only 30cm off that on a unicycle. High sidehops look so much easier to me on bikes. That guy’s technique is great to watch…so fluid isn’t it!


now if you wan to see somthin cool play it in reverse slowly and you can see that his form going down is exactly the same as him going up its insane!!! like crazy insane!!!

It must be all that lycra…:stuck_out_tongue:

muniman beat me to the punch

well, i add like 10 cm on sidehops wearing lycra…wait no i don’t. it just cuts wind resistance.

The spanish and french jump insanely high. I’ve seen TRA do masssive sidehops (prolly like 150cm) and other riders have been seen doing 150cm sidehops. The first one on this page is an effortless 130cm sidehop by César Cañas. He’s on a mod.

It is joked that the reason the spanish are so good is because they always wear skinsuits to comps.

Why wont it work for me?do i click “open” or " save target as"?

That Ryan Leech video is inspiring :smiley:

I’m having the same problem. Says it has a problem downloading the codec. What do I need?


yuo might need a new quicktime just got and then search for the latest quicktime. and if that doesnt work go to and download their free encoder

The latest copy of divx worked great. Thanks.