::The Great Avatar Competition::

In honour of all the great avatars that this forum is seeing as the number of members grow, I would like to host a friendly competition, in which you are able to submit your avatar - changed, or in its current state - to be judged categorically.

You have two days (hmm, i hope time zones dont mess this up) to make whatever changes you desire to your avatar. The way it’ll work (hopefully) is on the 2nd of August (hell, it doesnt matter if your a bit early or a bit late), just post here, donned with your avatar, and write in your post what category you are entering!

There will be only a 1st place and 2nd place for each category. The winners will be determined by way of poll, so when the submissions are over, maybe the 3rd of August, i will create a poll with the names and categories and stuff. Geez, i dunno if this will work, but lets give it a shot, ay! The categories are as follows:

  • Funniest Avatar

  • Cleverest Avatar

  • Best Photo Avatar

  • Best Drawing/Cartoon/Artwork Avatar

Alrighty, thats it then. Go for it, spruce up your avatars! Choose a category and post here to enter!

Have fun…

Dave :wink:

Best Drawing/Cartoon/Artwork Avatar

untitled.bmp (70.2 KB)

best photo avatar me crashing


For those of you who don’t play cool video games, it’s a picture of the Space Shuttle that launches after you beat “Type B, Level 9, Height 5” in the original Gameboy tetris.

It’s cleverest because I drew it.


I didn’t make all of these, in fact, I only made the one of Cameron, I think, but I like 'em.
EDIT I also made the tru.dat one, but I didn’t come up with the idea.





umm i think i win

ummm…I guess we’re all really late. :stuck_out_tongue:

so, unless the time zones are REALLY messed up, I think you mean September 2 & 3? :thinking:

EDIT: oh, and I suppose cleverest?

haha that .dat one is quality - sorry though, what category are you entering them in? Are you entering all of them?


Heh heh:D :stuck_out_tongue: :roll_eyes:

  • Best Photo Avatar

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I vote for that one over there


You have to attatch the file in case you ever change it, which I’m sure you will.

Here’s mine, I made: Cleverst design maybe.


mine is the best photo!
Ninjas ALWAYS! win.

I guess cleverest avatar.(You can’t go wrong with a goat!)

Ok here we go
attaching time.


ok I’m in


Well, i guess I’ll submit the BC Wheel dude.

Best Cartoon Category

BC Wheel.jpg

oh, hrmm…I’ll enter the .dat in cleverest avatar ( :

how do I get my avatar on the thread?

Here’s how to attach files to a post:

Click on Post Reply
You’ll see above the Bold, Underline, Bullets and other such buttons a Paperclip
Click on that - youll see a window that allows you to choose and upload a file that fits withs the limitations specified
Once having uploaded the file, go back to your post, click the paperclip button and youll see your attachment there
Click on it a itll be inserted into your post, and your Done!