The Game

hey All

Just wanted to spread the word of the game. The aim of the game is to win (obviousely) but to win you have to forget about the game, if you remember the game you lose ( i just lost). When you lose the game you have to tell somone or just say i lost. If when you tell a random person that you lost they will usually say what are you on about, so you have to tell them about the game. The more people that know about the game the better, So spread the word.


Matt :slight_smile:

P.s I just lost sorry


I lost. HAHA


Please tell me this is a joke.


Re- The Game

HEY!! It’s my job to keep the unicyclist community on their toes about The Game!

Did you not see this thread?

The Game

Lost it.

No joke, as you can see, it’s played internationally :wink:

Oh and Jesta, you cannot win the game, the closest you can get to winning is not losing.

After you have lost the game, you have a half hour amnesty to forget it again. When you’ve lost, you tell everyone around you or whoever, but they then have a half hour to forget it too, but they havn’t lost.

Just to clarify.


Darn I lost.

+1 :frowning:

did james potter follow through with his plan last night?

this was his plan

beware of this message in your PM box

What game?

You lost.

Aw dang, you took me down with you.

I lost…

He didn’t lose, he didn’t know what game was being talked about. I lost :frowning:


…these are a few of my favourite things.

…THE G…crap…no…ummYellowBirdsAtSunset…erm…ScaredMonkeysInZimbabwe…MuniAtTheBottomOfTheSea…WouldThatBeUWuni?..WhyHaven’tITriedThat?..IShouldLearnSCUBA…


Here’s a more advanced version to use next time. :smiley:

Can’t remember where i saw this though. :thinking:
Sorry if it’s from here.
