THE game

Hmmmm so anyone else play the game?

oh, btw

I just realized I can’t look at my own thread without losing. I guess I’ll be a referee

WTF that’s 4 times tonight you’ve made me lose. You suck.

don’t be hatn’. lets play A GAME!!

Explain the rules of THE GAME.

When you think of the game, you lose the game.

The only way to be winning, is to not think of the game.

So its sort of like how you turn lead into gold?

Melt lead, add copper and a dollop of bees wax while stirring counter-clockwize 47 times without thinking the word rhinoceros. This only works when you know the secret of not thinking the word rhinoceros.

Nobody has ever succeeded.

So does that mean by me reading what you just wrote. I just lost?? :thinking:

Huh…I wonder how Fort Knox does it then?? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

pretty much.
but you have to play THE GAME no matter what, once you know about it.


Okili dokili :smiley:

Justin I set up everything and did the test call now what?

wroooooonng threaaaad…

yeah well i just lost:(

This thread is gonna stay on page 1 for a few days, so for those few days I will NEVER be winning the game.
you loser!!!

Yeah well i was winning for a while.

I learned the rules for this game a long time ago. Completely forgot all about it since. I have confidence that I’ll be able to blank it out of my mind again.

The electroshock therapy back in my childhood has some lingering effects that can be quite advantageous for this game.


I hate you Bob