Just to be a pain in the behind, I thought I’d make this useless thread.
I just lost the game.
It’s incredibly (sp?) addictive.
That is all.
Spread the word!
PS. You now have 30 minutes to think about the game as much as you want.
If this thread makes you think of the game it doesn’t count because it explains the game .
September 28, 2006, 4:52am
The problem is, by posting it here you make people remember it and then they have to say they remembered it and post again which boosts the thread and makes more people remember it(If you know what I mean).
this game is worse that playing ROck Paper Sissors on an internet forum
It doesn’t count if you’re explaining The Game
500 POSTS!!
September 28, 2006, 4:58am
Well, you’re still reminding those who know about it when explaining it to those who don’t.
Congrats on your 500 posts! I missed my 1000(or maybe I didn’t, I can’t remember).
i just lost the game
why do people always have to start “the game” threads and make me lose pout
Man…I was winning for a while and then I remembered this thread…
I posted this once before I think…its an awesome game. That I have now lost.
September 28, 2006, 3:14pm
I was winning until you brought it up. Is there a penalty for that?
GARRRRR! Lost AGAIN!!! Now I bump this back to the top so that some other poor unfortunate(sp?) soul will loose.
ahhhh i rmeber that!!! i just lost to…
Damnit, I’ve lost 4 times today already.
September 28, 2006, 11:57pm
just for reference, by reading this thread, you do not lose the game. you do have a grace period to forget it again.
damn it!
this is like the 7th time ive lost today!