the game!

Ok, what it is, is your in the game when your not thinking about it but as soon as you remember it you lose the game and as soon as you stop thinking about it then your back in.
so if someone said “you just lost the game” then you would remember it and there fore lose it.
it’s best if you tell everyone you know then you can really annoy them by saying you lost the game and vice-versa.

by reading this you have automatically started playing and you always will be unless you are really forgetfull.
or refuse if you are sensative to someone saying that your in it ‘forever’

remember your in the game if your not thinking about it but as soon as you remember it you lose.
it’s not really an internet game it’s more of a game you tell you friends and everyone you meet.

One more thing…

annoying :frowning:

yes it is haha!

but if u tell sum1 u just lost the game to make them remember the game to make them go out, then u must have thought of the game to tell them there out which means your out first.

This game makes no good sense. I get the idea, but why would anyone play it. I prefer uuni-hockey much more.

haaaaaaaaaahahahahha, goodun.

it’s brilliant! and don’t anyone say otherwise.
just you wait untill you’ve lost loads of times or havn’t lost in ages and then someone tells you!

Thank you very, very much. You just made me lose the game…

darn it… this thread made me lose

yeah every time I scroll down JC I see this thread and lose…let it die!!! (I know im not helping lol)

You just made me lose again!

I randomly remembered this again today so thought i would dig it up for everyone to be annoyed at me

god dammit

I was in the game for like a month now and now i lost!!!

This game will haunt me for life!! (and i like it:D )

Damn! how can we all stay in the game with this thread being here, I was doing so well !

dang… im gonna get all my friends on this, but i already lost, so that means their winning, cause they have never ever thought of the game, or maybe… since they dont know, it doesnt matter… damn, this is frickn confusing, and now all of you are going to lose because i just posted and you will read this!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

I hate you all