O yeah i have Gameboy, Gamboy Color, Gameboy Advance, And both wolfensteinf for the computer
O yeah i have Gameboy, Gamboy Color, Gameboy Advance, And both wolfensteinf for the computer
Psh i have them all game cube is the best followed by xbox and ps2 coming in way last. The only thing I complain about is ps2s crappy graphics and game cube doesnt get some of the really awesome game or online. I love the really short loading on the game cube and the little disks you dont need to play dvds on a gaming console its just silly.
game cube acctualy does have online but only for like three or four games but you need to purchase the network adapter (i have not cause i dont like game cubes but i own one that i won)
I think the best game in the world i have ever played was GALAGA! galaga all the way! i love that game. its so fun. me and my mom and brother are so awesome at it!
do dah do da lay ah da, do da do da do da dah…duh do da do da da…ah deet ah deet in do…yes it is awesome. in that era,my era it is all about Robotron.
Hahahaha! Yeah, but playing dvd’s on a game console is awesome, you dont need to have 500 wires comming out of your tv, and you just need to have one thing running all the time, not turning this off and this on to watch a damn dvd. Personally i like how it works, but i dislike how it can make loading time run slower and its already slow enough, although the ‘joystick’ type ‘d-pads’ are fun to play with during loading so its all good. And I think that the little cd’s are so insane looking, You have to keep it in the case or else you loose them. IKARUGA!!! bwahahaha
lose them cause they are to small? so you must have lost all your GBA games right? i hope you dont get a PSX since those are small too.
come on!!! Everybody knows that Xbox rules over everything else!!!
Yea, what he said /\ /\ /\
I havent lost them yet, im stating you will loose them if you dont put it in the case, and yeah, im not getting any systems or hand helds that require smaller anything to put in it. Id loose it or brake it somehow. I lose a lot of things, and i brake a lot of things too. im accident prone.