The future of racism

Polyglots. this is what happens over time when you put hot black, white, you guess it people together. I am certain that a hundred years from now, “pure bred people”, will become a thing. Polyglots will be so common. I have nothing against inter racial marriage. But in the future, just like rare breeds of dogs, humans that are not polyglots (muts) will be a thing.

First, I think you are using the word Polyglot wrong

And second, pure blood elitism is definitely already a thing, at least it is up here, and it’s not pretty.

People can be as restrictive as they like but let’s not forget we all came out of Africa originally so we’re all in essence, black. Just different amounts of selection and inbreeding created the differences. That’s how pointless racism is.

Hate someone for their choices if you want to hate people (no idea what’s achieved by this) but you can’t hate someone for something they had no choice about. That’s just stupidity.

can’t agree with you more

I just picked the name “polyglots” out of the air. To me it means mixed racial people, who perhaps will do as well as Obama. I think they are the future. I am sure that this result is inevitable, that boys and girls from different places will
fall in love and create polyglots, or muts, if we were talking about dogs. This is not a hate rant. It is difficult to talk about racism without sounding like a hater, but I think Polyglots can be cool. Millions, along with me, elected Obama. The worlds most successful polyglot .
But looking forward, pure breed people will stand out. Just like pure breed dogs.

There’s no such thing as pure breed dogs really - again it’s just inbreeding - and look at some of the monstrosities they’ve come up with doing that.

Inbreeding is a bad thing - yes you can breed for a good trait but you’ll always be compounding the bad traits too. Nature sorts that out itself over time, our methods don’t work for the best…

Got to disagree with that

As a believer in evolution, I think it fairly obvious that human guided evolution has yielded the best results for both animals and plants. At least for us. Nature is more random, and takes more time. Selective breeding is older than writing, we have no idea when it began, it is almost instinctual in man. Wheat was once a grass. Corn cobs were 2" long. I do miss those huge seeded watermellons of my youth. The new small seedless ones lack character.

What does race have to do with being fluent in several languages? I do hope to learn Spanish soon, and after that likely Chinese. I think those are the most useful for me.

Hey FTL, what’s going on? I have to agree with you on that… but you are still using the word polyglot wrong :wink:

We’ve been living in various parts of the world long enough to definitely not all be black (I sunburn way too easily). But now that we have available, cheap transportation we are going to gradually become a world of brownish people. Some will always choose to stay within their ethnic group, but they will be a shrinking percentage of the population.

Clearly you know nothing about being a dick. I only hate people that look like pillows with little arms and legs. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just kidding.

Does polyglot mean being fluent in multiple languages (said the guy too lazy to look it up). Hey, Sarah Palin, I’ve got a joke for you:

What do you call someone that speaks two languages?
What do you call someone that speaks three languages?
(No, this is not going to be a unicycle joke)
What do you call someone who can only speak one language?

We’re so bad at learning other languages we’d rather figure out ways to get the rest of the world to use our language, even though it’s a difficult one with way too many words in it!


I just made up the word polyglot sort of, then it flowed out of my keyboard.

What is the correct word for mixed race people ? I googled polyglot and it means speaking multiple languages. So I think you are right, I should pick a different word.

Isn’t odd that the largest race on earth has no name?

National Geographic predicts in the year 2050 that these are what most folks will look like due to the growth of the Chinese and Hispanic populations. Whites are slowly turning into the minority. I wonder if people will be smarter or if it will be the whites that will be fighting for equality?

I proper chuckled at that. Unfortunately I’m far uglier than my avatar…

I just started learning Spanish. I think it’s the easiest to learn, however Chinese the hardest.