The funny threads list

Okay so I was doing some browsing today, and I found a thread I thought was funny, this is for where you post threads in RSU that are too old and you don’t want to bump them, but you find interesting enough to share.
Well here is a thread, it was 4 years ago, Vova and Olga Galchenko had just moved to this country, and they were probably not really known very well over here.

Interesting, they are the most amazing jugglers ever now.

Please, do not reply to that post as it is very old and it would not be good to have it floating around the top of RSU again.

But post some other old threads you find interesting.

ha ha ha!!! thats almoast the funniest thing i’ve ever seen

Funny in a different kind of funny haha way:

That is a pretty good thread, altough I would not like to rezerect it as that would cause some problems. Was Tyler really banned?

This is such a kewl idea for a thread.

Start with pretty much every one of these.

And every one of these.

no matches



Rock on!