The forum is not working correctly and it has decided to hate me

Problem with logging in. Every time on the homepage when I try to log in…I type in my username and password and press enter

then all it does is refreshes the page and doesn’t log in and put’s me back to sqaure one.

It’s annoying.

The only way I can log in is by going into a thread and clicking a post then it comes up saying you need to log in and it lets me log in there.

Need help :o;)

Tick the box that says ‘‘Remember me?’’.

I have the same problem, I just go to the forums instead of home and I can log in. This should probably be posted in the Bugs forum.

Edit: 600th post! :slight_smile:

Uncooperative forum = hate

I think hate is a stretch. It’s more likely that the forum software simply just doesn’t like you.

Yep, go to the forum section and then log in, and have the remember me box checked. Or manually change some of your internet settings. How your browser manages cookies and that will free up the log in at the homepage.

I have the same problem. Never had before on IE7, but as soon as I went to sp3 on XP I noticed it.

So, if I understand this correctly, people are having trouble logging into the site from the homepage without the remember me box checked?

If you are having this problem, please let me know what your web browser and version are, as well as the OS you are on. Also, check your computer’s clock and time zone.

For me it is with or without the remember me box checked. Both ways will send me to the “Than ks for logging in page.” Where you redirected to whatever you were doing. Once I am redirected, it doesnt show me as logged in anymore. Once I click on Forum, I can log in just fine.

I am on Windows XP Professional with SP3 and all the latest updates. My browser is IE7. Time is correct, set at GMT -8:00, Pacific Standard Time.

Holy cow.

Have you seen the main rec uni page??

The site hates us all now.
What did you do Gilby??
