The Flatland Learning Game! ( Begginer/Intermediate)

Yes, Erik will you confirm on this? if people didnt land the first trick they should be -1 correct?

If you earn a point, that should stick, period. You just wouldn’t get a point unless you did the trick.

180 stepover??? Ill go film it.

I just did all the tricks i had seen done

Nicely Done.

I saw your video in “today I landed”. You should be in THIS competition.

were those all the tricks?

Oh, and who decides on the tricks we do?

the first person to land the set trick and upload it gets to set the next trick

Erikmoda - 1 pts
Unilars - 2 pts
TonyTorchia - 1 pts
AlisterBurt - 2 pts
Muniaddict- 1 pts
Catch1 - 1 pts
Padst3r - 0 pts
Obtusellama - 2 pts
Tim3 - 0 pts
Daveykim - 0 pts
Nele - 1 pts
AdamV -1 pts
Jagster - 1 pts
Schrödinger - 0 pts
Thestig - 0pts
Thierry - 1pts
Simen G- 1 Pts
Uniaddict -0 pts
UniMD- 0 Pts
Lale - 1 pts
David Hackett -2pts

(didn’t see david in the list :))

I’ve noticed that some of you do the stepover with the fron foot on the tyre, and others with the back foot, is it just personal preference ?

Thanks bro, im so confused. Just joined yesterday :slight_smile:

Yeah the people who dont land the trick lost 1 point , but transform 0 in -1 is too much hahaha just the people who HAVE point , lost the points , propblably me on Dec 13 th :frowning:

erik, video some attempts and i can try give you tips :smiley:

Ok man , i just have to wait 10 minutes to my parents go to the market and I transform my room on the flatland room:D:D

Can I post a crankflip on monday?

or is that too hard?

Compared to the other tricks, I would say it’s hard. I’ve never tried them though, so I would see what everybody else thinks first :stuck_out_tongue:

i’d say way too hard :stuck_out_tongue: but that’s probably just because i cant do them :slight_smile:

What are you doing in your avatar, or is that not you? :stuck_out_tongue: