The Everlasting Peace Thread: The Day of NonJudgement is Upon Us

I think most of us prefer peace to war, living to dying.

I think most of us recognize that war results from a serious lack of problem solving skills, a lack of resourcefulness, and a failure to consider all the options and consequences of actions.

Many people have chosen peace, and accomplished much more lasting wonderful things: Gandhi, ML King, Jesus, Buddha, Henry Thoreau, BillyTheMountain (a known draft dodger), the list is endless.

So I thought we could have a PEACE thread.

Not a place to fight.

I guess we could post peace activities, people pushing peacefully for peace, and the wonderful results of achieving peace.

For starters, on Tuesday, Sept. 19, President Bush will be speaking at the United Nations as part of an election-year public-relations push on his disastrous Iraq War.

The New York City Police Department has refused to grant a permit to United for Peace and Justice to march anywhere near the United Nations. Based on feedback from our member groups and supporters (, we have come to a decision: We are marching anyway. Permit or no permit, we will stand up against this immoral war and for our right to dissent.

We also know and respect the fact that many people cannot participate in an activity that does not have a permit. And so we are seeking a permit for a rally starting at 8:30 a.m. in Herald Square, one of the busiest locations in Manhattan. This will enable anyone who wishes to protest the war and the restriction of our civil liberties to join us without risking arrest.

If you can participate in this peaceful civil disobedience action, call our office at 212-868-5545 so we can give you information about nonviolence trainings.

We are also seeking a permit for a legal rally in Herald Square on Tuesday morning, which everyone can participate in without risking arrest. Check our website at for details and plan to join us if you possibly can!

Forward this message far and wide.

We need volunteers! If you are in the NYC area, and can spare a few hours helping us spread the word this weekend, please call 212-868-5545 and ask for Nia.

Support our work to end the war and defend the right to protest by making a financial donation to UFPJ:

Coming Up: Declaration Of Peace

Just two days after Bush speaks at the United Nations, on Thursday, September 21, the Declaration of Peace campaign ( will kick off with candlelight vigils around the country and a nonviolent civil disobedience action in Washington, D.C. There will be a wide array of powerful actions for peace all around the country throughout the entire following week.

Check the Declaration of Peace website ( to find out about events in your area. If you are planning an activity that is not yet listed, please put it on the calendar now. And we urge those of you who can to join the actions in Washington, DC, on Sept. 26th or Sept. 27th.


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Visualize Whirled Peas.

So I guess no stirring the pot in this thread?

“imagine all the people, living for todayyyyy…”

I’d consider the pot unstirred, unless you’re cooking up support for the war…

…what did he do?

I can not speak from first hand knowledge of the outcome of the United for Peace and Justice and NYPD’s current negotiations for a permit to march, but I have some second hand knowledge of previous negotiations as my mother has in the past been among those who have met with the NYPD to negotiate permits. The NYPD always denies the permit at first. It is the knee jerk reaction of the city administration and the police department to deny peace activitists permits to assemble. But civil rights lawyers get involved and some compromise is always ultimately reached.

To date the compromise has not included “free speech zone” cages. But to date the marchers have not involved President Bush’s presence. Well except for the RNC.

It will be interesting to see what happens in this case.

I should point out that according to my mother the NYPD has never been anything other than extremely polite in the way they deny the permits and deal with the peace activists. They simply consider peace marches to be security threats and a potential cause of violence and unrest.

hooray for peace!!

haha! That’s what I was thinkin. Because I think peace cant happen without war, and there will always be war. So…ah…yeah.

He left a solid anti-war philosophy, for those who wish to listen to what he said.

“The way you treat the least of us (oppressed, poor, tax collectors, Muslims, gays, enemy, attackers, etc) is how you treat me.” --Jesus

What do you guys all have against hatred and violence? It’s awesome! No Peace without war so make as many wars as possible and the world will be filled with love.

“Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here! This is the War Room.”:smiley:

What on earth would people make/watch films about if there was an end to war and violence?


Ah yes, “premier Kissoff”

Are you joking? Jesus spread a great message to many peoples, at a pretty high cost to himself (his horrible torment, and death). He taught people to love, to forgive, and to judge no one. Jesus set a great example for any to follow.