The Deal.

So a while back, (few months) when I got my DX from my LBS he told me he would buy me “another one of those” (he pointed at my DX) if I pedal grinded a handrail. A few days ago I remembered his challenge and went out and filmed a few grinds on a small (4 steps, lol) Handrail… I brought the video in today and he’s giving me 300 bucks off a KH. He spoke about some sort of Sponsorship thing.

Long story short, I get a $500 uni for $200 :smiley:

Wow, Lucky:D :stuck_out_tongue:



good job

That’s awesome! I’m not good enough, but there are so many people on here that are that I bet they may be able to broker some of the same kind of discounts.

Like, demonstrate some skills to the shop owners, have them give ya a shirt or two to wear while riding, and give ya a price break on new unis or gear.

Way to go man!

:astonished: WHOA Sweeeet!!! :astonished:


Seems like a pretty good deal, you’re lucky to have such a nice shopkeeper!

that is pimp!

you’re lucky enough to have a bike shop that sells unicycles capable of handling anything higher than a curb…

anyway, that’s awesome.

almost all bikeshops can get you a DX and a KH

ask to look through thier catalog.

Man, I wish I had that kind of deal ordering a KH.
My full priced KH20 is coming on Wednesday!!! :smiley: :smiley:

:astonished: That’s so cool. :astonished:

None in my area can.

Best they can get is 2004 KH Hub/cranks. Only in a package deal for about $160. And I’m not even sure if their new catalog has that still.

Thats awesome.


Thats awesome.


LUCKY… I couldn’t do the handrail though:( . But for $300, i think i would manage to learn:D