The cow-glove


I’ll take up the anti-cow glove cause with you! They should be taken out with great anger and frustasion!

What´s a Cow-glove?

they keep the cows’ hooves warm in the winter

let me give you a hint…

The FBI has found a rahter convenient use for the cow-glove…

lets just say that cavity searches are now alot less nasty.

Shhh…it’s a secret. But I’m a blabbermouth:

Don’t tell anyone.

You’ve obviously never seen a vet or a farmer do a cavity search on a birthing cow. That is nasty. Up past the elbows nasty. You don’t want the FBI or TSA to have those gloves. :astonished:

Ah! the discovery channel has ruined me. It was horses but its really the same thing. Its up to the shoulder nasty.

nasty? NOoooo? really?

Hell yeah it’s nasty! that’s why I don’t like the cow-glove…not the catual glove itself but you know…the kit and kabootle.

As for the FBI, I’m not sure they use a glove THAT long but in any circomstances it IS a lot less nasty to use a glove than no-glove.

so… intresting. I’m left wondering if the person who started this thread hates it cause it happened to them… or if they just know about it. Hummm

Hmmm… I was wondering why Owen was walking slightly funny the other day; it all makes sense now… :slight_smile:



well, now that I’m “normal” I do realise that this is an odd thread… I’m sure it has something to do with watching the beginning of “Bacon” the movie and thinking…don’t they do that to cows?

As for the hate part…well… how can ANYONE like the cow-glove?

but wait…wouldn’t a glove be beter than no glove? Yes, but wouldn’t no hand up cow’s pipi-place be better than hand up cow’s pipi place with golve? touchE.

Hmmm…last comment made no sence…ah well, all in a day’s work.


merry christmas to you too