this is what we could be using by the year 2004! imagine the possibilities…
hahaha, i would love to have one of those in my room, yet i would have to also make it my bed for there would be no room for both at the same time
fortran was one of the first computer languages ever, pretty high tech yo.
YES I have to have one.
What do you think I’m typing this post on? It takes up a bit of room space, sure, but I’m always one to keep up with modern technology!
Hang on, I’ve got to go turn the big wheel thing to post this…
I think the big wheel is made for grinding meat. Just think, in 2004 you can send color pictures to your neighbors, and make a hamburger at the same time!
Sorry guys, a friend just gave me a link that shows this as a fake.
aww man…thats disappointing.
oh well!
In the stead of the fake computer, I’d like to introduce the new “computer of the 21st century”… seeing as how retro is always cooler than new-wave… I’d like to present… the woody!
wood.bmp (645 KB)