The Bully and the Unicycle

At Bear’s afternoon childcare there is a bully (call him Pete). He’s far bigger and a few years older than the kids he picks on. Pete is in 4th grade. He wears a mowhawk, sassy slogans on all his shirts. He is verbally and physically mean to younger kids.

I take a few unicycles into Bear’s afternoon childcare once a week and the kids who are interested can ride and I coach them. There are about 6 kids who love it and always give it their all. Pete stands back with his arms crossed saying loudly,
" I learned how to to that when I was little. It’s easy. " And then he laughs and teases everytime some one falls. Fortunately the choir of “Nice try!” from the other kids drowns out his mocking.

Every week Pete has been a little bit more curious about the unicycling; standing closer, and longer silence between his boasts and laughter. This week he got his confidence up and swaggered up to me.
“When is it my turn?”
I found him a place in line, he waited while toning down his boasts some to,
“I only got about 5 feet before I decided to stop,” all the kids knew he was bluffing so it was a moot point. Pete’s turn came up. Helmet on, he puts on his best air of false confidence. Seat between legs. Hands on railing. Foot on lower pedal and CRASH! In a heap.

He looked up with a shameful sour face only to hear the other kids’ hearty congratulations. “Great try Pete!” “Way to go!” “Nice try!” For the first time I had ever seen, the bully facade was off. A light giggle came forth from his big toothy grin.
“May I please try again!?!” he asked, and he did.

very cool.

“The one who taught me kindness is the one who showed me kindness.” --Todd Rundgren

Very cool, indeed.

when i started reading and saw the word bully i immediatly thought give the kid an Atomic Weggie.

In the end that’s pretty kewl story

Unicycles change the world again!

A beautiful and touching story with a nice twist at the end, Blake. Remember that Pete is, however, still flammable.

Aawwww, thats the best story EVER!



That was a very good story. One more example of unicycling for world peace.

That’s way better than unicycling for Christ!!
Or Buddha!

Thanks guys. It was a special moment of which the the kids were happily oblivious.

I told one of my friends who has a troubled son and she started crying. I knew I needed to post it after that.

Peat is indeed flamable. I think they have stopped using it as fuel in most of Wisconsin.

Seriously, this kid may indeed require a shopping cart full of hallmark moments like this to help in a permanent way, but it’s always nice to contribute to any child’s well being.

I really dislike little kids with mohawks. a lot. actually, I don’t like their parent’s, I think.

Good story though.

Ooooo…clever. You are to be watched closely.

good story

Great story of redemption. What a lesson learned not just for the bully but for all the others involved in his transformation.

That’s going into the ‘Favourite Posts of the Year’ file.

Thanx for sharing.

lol yeah all that hair spray needed for a mohawk can catch fire pretty easily. :smiley:

You should make a children’s book with that story… it’d sell.

Great story Blake…thanks so much for posting it. I agree with Gild on the “Favorite Posts” nomination, and I truly hope this helps Pete turn it around before Harper has to torch him.

After seeing a great concert recently, I’ve been spending some time browsing through Jorma Kaukonen’s web site. I’ve always loved his music, but now in his golden years he’s become remarkably deep and introspective in his online writings. I’m hooked. Here is something I copied from one of his “Thoughts” entries, which seemed particularly appropriate to this thread:

[I]Two Wolves

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all.

One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: “Which wolf wins?”

The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.” [/I]

Blessings to you Blake for feeding Pete’s good wolf…

Another beautiful and touching story. Wolves are also flammable. Hope to see you riding this weekend.

nice way to riun a deep post harper but it was worth the laugh