The bucket list

Before we kick the bucket, some make a list of items they’d like to do.

Sort of a check list in life before we kick the bucket.

What say you.

I’d like to travel. And have room service. And a date with Angelina Jolie! :slight_smile:

I would like to make a uni-tour bus and go around the UK meeting new people and riding in new places, as well as promoting the sport and generally being stupid!
Oh and I’d also like to design and build my own home! and have a uni park in my garden!!
To be honest i have no intention of growing up, quiting unicycling or getting old, but thats inevitable, so ill follow in Terry’s footsteps:D

To dance Morris, ride unicycle, and play music until the last day I get.

To ride a unicycle on my 100th birthday.

lots of things i want to do

1- skydiving
2-skidive with out a parchute and have someone with a parashut grab me

3-bungee jump

4- drive cross country

5- have someone ask me for my autograph and be serious about it

6- go 150mph or higher on the highway

7- climb a mountain

8- land a 180 unispin :wink:

9- fight in a professional boxing or mma fight

10- visit jamaica

11- go scuba diving in like the caribean

12- join the mile high club :smiley:

13- visit all 7 continets

14-go to the SB

im prety sure thats it, im sure i culd think of more if now if i wanted to tho

My Bucket list was:

become a sushi chef (I have gotten farther on that than I ever thought I would and now I’m ready to stop)
Visit Japan (July 15th done)
Visit Taipei (did it in March)
Go on a unitour (again in March)
Go to Unicon (in July)

Those are all of the biggest goals I have had, at least that I’m willing to share.

I will have accomplished all those by the end of the summer and I have already accomplished all of my other ones more or less.

Now I’m trying to come up with a new bucket list, but its more of just like a list of things to do in the next year or two.

Pay off my debt as well as my parents Line Of Credit.
Decide what kind of career I want.
Enroll in a university.
Get a first place in some kind of unicycle event.

There isn’t really anything in my life after this summer that I think I really need to do before I die, but there are things I wouldn’t mind doing. All the urgent ones I’m getting done ASAP.

-do some muni at least once in my life
-write a novel
-write an intelectual novel
-go skydiving
-go wingsuit base jumping
-be considered intelectual

There’s my list. I’m already working on number 2.

Maybe #2 would become #3 when it’s mass published. :smiley:

-do some muni at least once in my life
-write a novel
-write an intelectual novel
-go skydiving
-go wingsuit base jumping
-be considered intelectual

[EDIT]-get a tatoo
-get a piercing, probably eyebrow

There’s my list. I’m already working on number 2.

There are so many things I want to do in life that I couldn’t possibly write them all in one small post. Im sure that in the future there will be things I want to do that I would not even think of at this point in my life.

I just want to live life and take things as they come. There will be good times and bad times. Ill look forward to the good ones.


The bucket list

Some items on our lists (The Bucket List) will be completed and we tend to take those items for granted.

Getting married and having kids.
Riding an motorcycle, bicycle, unicycle.
Flying (Plane, hang glider, parachute)
Travel some place special.

My list also includes stuff that I probably never will acheive but its there…
Doing something extraordinary (Climb mountain, space travel, etc)
Win Lottary jackpot amount greater than 1 Million dollars :slight_smile:

We do need to plan for some stuff to happen in our lives but straying off the beaten path provides new discoveries (so add more items as you go)

Use your imagination, create a list and keep track of it in the back of your mind.

A bucket list can help!

Things you want to do

I’ve been to Rome, seen the Vatican, the Sistine Chapel; been to Athens, been to the Acropolis, walked and shopped the Monistraki, been to Budapest and seen the Chain Bridge, seen the waterway wonders of Amsterdam, been bewildered by London’s crazy road-scape, been scared by Tangier, Fes and Marrakesh, fell in love with Lake Como and Bellagio, and totally loved Portugal. (3 weeks,a total circuit of the country.)

I plan on seeing OZ, NZ, China, India, and West Africa before its all over. Bucket Club. Is this a deep thread?

Best from the right coast of Canada, where the cod have disappeared, the lobster is $5.00 a pound, scallops are rich but cheap and finally spring has arrived.
William Dockrill

I love reading each and every unique sign-off! Keep it up William!

I have a list of the 52 things that I want to do. I am soon going to make it bigger. The Buried Life team has a list of 100 things they want to do. Heres the Link:

Here are a few things, though I’m sure I could think of more:

-Through-hike the Appalachian Trail (all 2,000 miles)
-Hike/backpack in Alaska (and possibly uni)
-Visit New Zealand
-Learn to ride and own a motorcycle
-Learn to hunt (including skinning and cooking the meat)
-Learn to sail
-Learn a lot of knots
-Become an awesome ukulele player
-Become an awesome euphonium player
-Learn how to sharpen knives until they are razor-sharp
-Learn to very accurately shoot rifles and handguns
-Be able to pack most of, if not all, my material possessions into a normal car
-Grow a least some of my own food in a garden
-Learn to drive manual transmission
-Ride the entire MS150 on my unicycle
-Live in southwest Virginia

Things of which we think.Ipounds

Glad you enjoy.
With best regards from the right coast of Canada, where the tulips and grapes are coming around, the butternut tree is now in flower and we read the letters of Hemingway,

Ok now list the things that you most likely (95% ot more) will do, not just stuff you want to do, but probably won’t.:slight_smile: I plan to go for fun MUni ride tomorrow! (That’s as far ahead as I can plan at my age lol!)

I would like to …

… milk a cow

… raise chickens and eat them

… visit California

… write an operating system

The rest are all personal.

Well if you ever do, let’s meet for a MUni ride!

Oh, and about your sig, howabout, say no to crime and stick to the speed limit. :slight_smile: But yeah, I’ll have to try that if somebody ever tries to rob me at gunpoint. I’ll just say “no!”. Yeah, that should do it, lol.:wink: