have you seen these men?
Who are they?
Nice group shot, Jagur. The guy on the right with the “MUni Militia” t-shirt seems unsure about the SH that he’s holding, as if unable to ever find the perfect ride. Perhaps a bigger wheel will do?
I hit post 2000 recently, hot on your tail. You lay low at the library any longer and you’ll lose your lead. That’s quite a nice broken stream of alliteration there, eh?
yes,that is quite a nice sentence…everyone say that out loud.
my home computer came back to life,but for god knows how long.im still going to the library 3x a week for the hard stuff.you will have your lead back soon.the question is,how long can you stave off A_C ?
Andrew is a prolific poster. He differs from you and me, though, in that his posts usually have valid and useful content. I say, who needs valid and useful content? Are you with me? It must be a southern hemisphere phenomenon.
Did you know that some sea gulls can live for months without fresh water?
I don’t know about that …
[i]" I was really tired when I got home and had a little nap which really isn’t something I’m used to doing. I had my first unicycling dream! Here it is:
It started off with me riding around in a shopping centre. It was a really fancy and expensive place and for some reason the owners were perfectly happy with me riding around on the flat stuff but didn’t like me riding down the stairs because they had fancy edges on them that could get damaged. There was a scene change (does anyone else ever get them?) and I was riding around my old primary school. I went down a slope and was able to ride along with one foot on the frame and the other foot braking backwards as you do with kids bikes. The thing is that it didn’t feel like I was doing this. It felt a little bit like the cranks were still spinning around. It was a great dream!
I must say … a lot of andrews posts seem just to be there for the point of posting…
Fair enough though I suppose, and yes, he is not as bad as some others…
It’s weird, anytime I have a dream about unicycling (about three times now) they are very boring. All I do is ride. Well, there was that one time that I stole a Uni and ride it. It was weird that I stole it, it was a rusty POS. Perhaps one day will start having more exciting uniing dreams. I hope I hope I hope.
And more such posters are required. I like Andrew’s posts, because of the wide variety of topics. The Just Conversation forum goes through stages of lots of posts on all sorts of topics, many of them just completely useless banter… no purpose at all but great fun.
It seems a little bare at the moment… I blame the Dave who goes by the sneaky pseudonym of “uni57”. I think he’s off on some secret mission somewhere. Who are we supposed to poke fun at if he’s not posting?