The Big Life THANK YOU Thread

There are people in my life who have helped me out, turned me on to something, influenced my thinking, been there when I needed them, or set my life on a particular course (sometimes unwittingly on their part). I owe thanks to these people. Without them, my life would be different.

Who do you have to thank?

We can also open it up to people you’ve never met (such as people who have indirectly affected your life, say, by inventing something or paving the way for something).

Here’s my EXTREMELY incomplete list –

Rich Kretschmaier – Thanks for beating me at every game of ping pong I’ve ever played with you, but most of all, thanks for introducing me to the IBM System/38. It turned out to be profoundly important in my career. Who would have known at the time?

Jim Bruno – Ping pong spin master extraordinaire. Thanks for introducing me to the rock group Rush in high school. They have been my all-time favorite band for the last 26 years and have been a perennial source of joy and inspiration.

W. Andrew Wynn – Thanks for introducing me to the teachings of… you know who (“R”). And thanks for introducing me to the music of Tangerine Dream.

Arnie Listhaus – Thanks SO MUCH for turning me on to unicycling. My life has been enriched through all the friendships I’ve made. I hope I’ve returned the favor in a small way by helping your kids get into unicycling. By the way, you should try it some day.

Ken Pengitore – small business owner and local politician. You have a no-nonsense way of doing things. Of making things happen and getting things done. Something my friend and I refer to as “Pengitorian”. You were an important early influence on me 24 or so years ago.

mom- for not getting an abortion even tho everyone told her to cus her/family couldnt afford it and she was to young

dad- showing me how to be a man and a dad

stepdads- how not to be a man and how not to treat a woman and how not to be a dad

i have more just got to think of them lol

[threadjacking]…So, are you a dad or what, Brendon?? :thinking: [/threadjacking]

Off the top of my head I can think of a few aside from those who have been there with me the whole trip so far:

Frederick Banting et al for discovering insulin and how to administer it. I’d have been dead now going on 20 years if not for them.

Philippe Petit for taking the time to perform in Washington Square Park - my main hangout in my teens - regularly. He made me want to juggle and unicycle.

Harold Stein, 7th grade social studies teacher extraordinaire. He handed me, a reluctant reader, a copy of Howard Fast’s Citizen Tom Paine, a book not on his reading list, and told me I’d love it. He was right and got me to enjoy reading.

PW for being my first.

DP for being my best friend for the past 35 years. Through college when we were apart and after I moved to New Jersey he has been the one who makes the effort to maintain our friendship and though I’ve not told him so, I very much appreciate that. I feel fortunate to have such a good friend and one with whom I share such history.

haha nah

A BIG thank you to the creators of chocolate and diet cherry pepsi!:stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you to the early Mexican Jazz artists in America.

You’re welcome.

Tom Kelly- The guy who taught me all I know about life and music. I owe him everything.
My mom- Who supports me no matter what and keeps me going.

My brothers- I have brothers who are crazy as hell. Cool kids who I love a lot.

Madison Johnston- Sweetest boy ever. He’s the only reason I’m alive right now. I would of killed myself long ago if it weren’t for him.

Miles Davis- The person who showed me what real music was.

John Coltrane- Had the world inside his heart and played it through his sax. Him and Miles still give me hope and inspiration.

Benny Green- A very beautiful man in absolutely every respect. His music is spirtitually enlightening and cleansing, just as he is. I’ve learned so much about life, our existence and how to conduct my life from hanging out with him.

So much love to all of them! <3

Thank you Tommi for the VHS tape collection of unicycle clips from TV.

Robert derter and Bill Bryson - For authoring the books that furthered my knowledge about the universe.
Chuck Palahniuk, George Orwell, Ray bradbury and Hakim Bey - Authoring texts that changed the way I percieve everything around me.
Roger Waters - enough said

I think I learn something from just about anybody I come across. Thanks world. Whether they did me wrong, or treated me great, I learned from them, so thanks to everybody I’ve come into contact with. I’m sure I wouldn’t be the seem person without most of them. Even people I never spoke to or did anything with, just saw, have changed me.

Thanks Gandhi, you rock!

One of my friends that I mentioned here must have googled his name, because he sent me an email that said “You’re welcome!” along with a link to this thread.

This thread died pretty quickly. Anyone up for round two? …

James, my boyfriend, who inspired my to love my life again and shares love with me.
And Kelsi, who is an awesome person who helped me kick my chemical addicitions and makes me happy.