The big 1000!

Well this is my 1000th post. Some may say that posting 1000 messages in 9 months is too much time wasted but I’ve learnt so much from all of you.

I just thought this would be a good time to thank you all for everything you’ve taught me. Over my time here I’ve had the chance to buy a muni, start doing muni, get into trials, learn some really fun freestyle things, invent (but not build yet) a seated hand-driven unicycle, design a frame, set up a weekly unicycle ride and heaps more. Thanks for all you advice especially on the inventions and ideas I’ve had.

I can only see myself posting more and more here on r.s.u. because it’s such a good influence on me and continues to spark my interest in unicycling in general.

I love unicycling!!!


Wasted time? hardly. But seriously andrew, you’ve only been registered since June of last year, I’ve been registered since december 2001. I’m pretty sure this will my 150th post. That’s pretty sick. (not really)

Oh well, congrats to you. Hopefully I helped somewhere along the way. . .

Keep it up,
Jon Davis

Congrats on 1000! You’re an inspiration to the group. And I was going to be proud of my 100th post! I’ve got a lot to learn.

Re: The big 1000!

[QUOTE Originally posted by andrew_carter]

Well this is my 1000th post. Some may say that posting 1000 messages in 9 months is too much time wasted but I’ve learnt so much from all of you.

I just thought this would be a good time to thank you all for everything you’ve taught me.

Thanks for all you advice especially on the inventions and ideas I’ve had.

I can only see myself posting more and more here on r.s.u. because it’s such a good influence on me and continues to spark my interest in unicycling in general.

I love unicycling!!!

Andrew Mate. Congratulations on your 1000th post.
Gee if I didn’t see this website in the first place, I would miss something like, I would still be doing Songwriting or Refurbishing and Building Computers. I LOVED THIS SITE AND I HAVE MADE NEW FRIENDS ON THIS SITE Like you for example. I’ve so far found more Unicycling website’s before this by using my favorite search engine Google. Keep on typing mate and hope a another 1000th post to come.
CHEERS Buddy. David.:slight_smile:
I Love Unicycling Too. Can’t Get enough out of our Heads.

I hit 1k a while ago, but kept it silent. :frowning:

i never said a peep about 1k or 2k______who cares k

Andrew,at this rate you will eclipse me in about 3 weeks with a question about my aunts uncles sister boyfriend Jed who had a unicycle mounted to backside of cousin Missy’s old John Deere…

edit edit edit

The big (or something) 1000!

Ahhh…! It’s that old “Quality vs. Quantity” dilemma!

It looks like Quantity might be more important than Quality, since there’s a function to count posts, but not to assess their relative value or pertinence.


I’m off to start a new thread about…

… ummm, lessee…

well, I’ll think of something

I think it was pointed out by someone else when I reached the big K; I can’t remember the wording but it was probably along the lines of “That Phil really should be doing lots of work rather than posting inane mutterings repeatedly…”


I guess it was quite a pointless post…sorry. But I have tried to keep most of my posts relevant and I did put this one in Just Conversation.


Andrew, congratulations on hitting 1000. Post whatever you like. I enjoy reading your posts.

Jagur – leave Andrew alone! I mean, give us a break! <------ click here

Where’s Your Other Wheel,
uni57 (Dave)

once again i am curious if sarcasim ever gets though…

its a wonder how some of us can unicycle at all with such thin skin…

:roll_eyes: Jezz :roll_eyes: us :roll_eyes: H

I did pick up the sarcasm…don’t worry. But it was actually a pretty pointless post.



There will always be people that disagree with us. That’s a fact of life and they have a right to share their opinion as you do, as well.

When people don’t like something I say, it bothers me, for sure. In the short run, it pisses me off, but in the long run, it just passes by and I forget about it.

You forget that besides your earmarking of your 1000th post, you also offered thanks to everyone who has helped. That shouldn’t be forgotten. I don’t think that was pointless.

Wow! Jagur’s skin is thin? That’s neat! How much thinner is his than ours? Wow.

What’s sarcasm mean?

No, he meant my skin (and he’s right).

And since you asked :slight_smile:

sar·casm, n.

  1. harsh or bitter derision or irony.
  2. a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark

Where’s Your Other Wheel,
uni57 (Dave)

How thick is skin in general? Anyone?


Hey Andrew, keep those posts coming, another 1000 would be fine by me, your enthusiasm is inspiring. Also, you do a great job on your gallery. Excellent photos and vid’s and extremely well organized. I go there regularly to see what’s new.

cheers :wink:

Ya take one out, and pass it around, 1000 posts of stuff on the forum…

Well, whether it gets through depends on the thickness of the skin.

It would be interesting to know the correlation between coulrophobia* and sarcasm-blindness.

In General Anyone, skin is as thick as thin can be.

Here we are, a bunch of goofs proud of riding single wheels, but dragging our butts through a mire of post-envy!

Eeeew! I don’t like the imagery of that metaphor at all!

*fear of clowns

That’s a terrifying picture.

By the way, sarcasm, by itself, is not benign. Scroll up for the definition I posted. Better yet, I’m going to paste it here. Also, sarcasm often has a grain of truth in it. Which is why it can hurt, even when it wasn’t meant to. But “sacrasm in jest” is another matter.

sar·casm, n.

  1. harsh or bitter derision or irony.
  2. a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark

or, from

  1. A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.
  2. A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule.

I’m not trying to start a war here. I’m going to shut up in a minute. And I’m sorry for polluting Andrew’s thread with all of this. This started when I came to Andrew’s defense. But if you are going to kid around with people you don’t ACTUALLY know, you have to be really careful. And if you fail to communicate effectively, don’t blame the reader! That’s like a comedian whose jokes aren’t funny – and he blames the audience for not laughing. The onus is on you.

I’ve been trying to reduce my dependence on smiley faces – and rely solely on my command of the English language. But either way, whenever I kid with somebody, I am very careful that it won’t be taken the wrong way (and I recently failed, prompting someone to PM me with an apology that wasn’t necessary). Adding a smiley is the easiest way to say “just kidding, my friend.”

There is a wonderful spirit alive in these forums – of friendship, camaraderie, and unity. Someone recently compared us to the mountain biking newsgroups. We compared favorably, being a fun and friendly group, utterly laking in arrogance and egotism found in the other group.

People are different and react differently. That is an inescapable fact of life. Be glad we are all not just like you. Our diversity is what makes this place so interesting and fun. If I sound like a prudish, preachy jerk right now, sorry! I don’t think I am. But I stand by my convictions. And I thank EVERY ONE OF YOU for making these forums great – including, of course, (I’m steering back on topic now) – one of our major and valued contributors – Andrew.

Where’s Your Other Wheel,
uni57 (Dave)