The BEST idea ever...

I just saw this posted in the “money making scheme” thread by John Childs, and had to check it out for myself. It is easily deserving of it’s own thread…

Save Toby

Having already made $18,500 dollars, that man is amazing. But this can’t be an original idea. Has it been done before?

holy heck. thats a lot of money already. im surprised anyone would contribute to that. its kinda like those people selling moon property and stuff.

What time is dinner?

I am going to start my own donation website, asking people to give me money so I can go beat that guy up and let the rabbit go… One helluva idea…

Playing (… err paying…) on the sympathy of others is wrong…

But, not illegal. (that I know of)

When I was in college I had a pet python. (Monty)
I used to invite others over to watch him ‘feed’.
Well, that got me into alot of trouble.
I lived in a dorm and pets were not allowed.
Anyway, I made a snide comment to someone who asked me what I would feed it when it got to big for rats.
(I wont repeat what I said cuz, of the ‘fear factor’)

Needless to say, the ‘sympathy’ of others got me in alot of trouble.

That’s a ripoff of this guy.

That guy’s giving 80% to a charitible organization though, although it may just be one he makes up.

that idea would be better if it was real

RSPCA acts to save Bernd, the hostage rabbit, from a stew

159 words
15 September 2004
Third Sector
(c) Third Sector, a Haymarket publication, for more information visit or email

The RSPCA is trying to close down an internet site that is holding a rabbit to ransom.

The site’s mysterious creator is threatening to eat a rabbit called Bernd unless the public gives him pounds 1m by New Year’s Eve. He claims that 80 per cent of the cash, sent to a Lloyds TSB bank account, will go to charity.

According to the site, nearly EUR33,000 has already been pledged.

Although the threat may be a hoax, the RSPCA has contacted the bank to see if it can refuse payments.

A spokeswoman for the animal welfare charity said the site was a ‘despicable’ attempt to exploit people’s good nature, and urged people not to give, in order to prevent copycat ransoms.

Lloyds TSB said it couldn’t comment on the site due to customer confidentiality.

Okay, folks. Here’s the deal. You have a chance to help me save a fine American icon. If I don’t have 100 Zillion dollars donated to my account by sundown, I’m going to invite this here little fella over for dinner. Enough of the rabbit killing, I’m after the rabbit killers themselves unless you decide to help him out of his sticky situation. Sundown folks or my little friend is history.


I hear dog meat is…mmmm, fried Chihuahua

More people need to experience life on a farm. City folks who have never been exposed to the realities of life just make fools of themselves in cases like this. We raise some animals to eat them. That’s just the way it is.

Perhaps more summer camps where city kids get to spend a week on a farm or ranch will help expose the realities of life to these city kids. On the first day they can go out and try to catch a free range chicken, bring it to the stump where its head is chopped off, then carry it in to the kitchen where it is prepared for dinner. That’s life. Chicken McNuggets come from chickens, not the freezer at McDonald’s.

We had a small family farm with chickens, ducks, sheep, pigs, goats, and cows. Many of those animals ended up on the dinner table. That’s the way it was. No tears lost when piggy ended up as a pork chop.


pffft, wussies, can’t take a little joke… I for one think it’s brilliant, and would donate to him if I could just because I think it’s the BEST idea ever…


I think its a dumb idea.Well,its a good idea,but who cares about a stupid bunny.just eat the thing.No ones gonna give money to him.He must have lied about him making $18,500.

you must be kidding. PLENTY of people love cute widdle bunny wabbits enough to try to save it’s life.
they’re called animal rights activists.
or girls.

DUDE!! i LOVE meat…its people on farms that are my heros, and me and my dad for hunting when i go there. mmm, venicin…mmm…my next catch will be beaver…bwahaha, my dad said its so awesome! oh man…i dont know how vegitarians do it! but i love meat. im so hungry…i just had corn beef and cabbage, im about to have more…MEATT…YES!! HURRAY FOR FARMS!! and taking such awesome care of the cows. the meat is so good

your name… is it
piss in lemonade
pissin lemonade

I simply must know.


Y’know…I have that same friggen question… well…not really…but I still wanna know…

Also, notice at the VERY bottom of the “save bernd” page it says “it’s a joke.” Or you could just look here: