The Beginners "Today I..." Thread

I have been riding into work a few times a week, but it is only a mile or so. There is a large hill, and I do need to deal with some traffic so it does improve my skills. I can idle reasonably well on the 24", but I usually just hop off at a stoplight and then hop back on when it turns. I could ride a larger wheel into work, but I am not sure there is any point with such a short commute.

Sorry, but no. I don’t have a camera. :stuck_out_tongue:

Best regards,

Today I learned…

Sometimes you have to hang it up and not ride. (only learned this after throwing it into the bushes twice)

Yes, being able to commute is my personal milestone for being a unicyclist. As soon as I can free mount :angry: . I can mount by backing up against a curb, but that’s not only inelegant, sometimes there is no curb.

Hang in there. I can remember being at the point where not being able to mount was keeping me from going out to ride and be free. I finally got fed up and decided I WAS going to do it! Spent an afternoon practicing and all of a sudden began to get it. Then in two days was hitting it 9 times out of 10. Visualize yourself doing it, then do it.

Don’t try… Do.

Sorry for sounding like Yoda, but it really helps. I know whenever I’m trying something new if I don’t visualize myself making it, and if I don’t commit to doing it, I usually don’t make it.

You’ll get it.

downtube: Check out this thread:

Tonights peaks:

Idled 45 times with left foot down then rode away
Idled 7 times with right foot down then rode away
Total score: 52

uniShark: I would if I worked closer to home. Congrats for you and your son. That’s great to hear!

today I didn’t ride much. I rode to my friend’s house to drop something off and then practiced getting out of riding backwards. I can get it about 50% now.

Today I finally learnt 180 unspin. :smiley:

Thanks - some good tips in that thread, I think I’ll go outside and try in the dark.

Tonight while riding home from work, I fell off and was trying to freemount. A couple rode by on their bikes and said something about half my bike missing. Five minutes later they came by again (where I was still trying), and she said “we’ll come by in a few days and see if you’re still there.” :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the link - looks like some good tips.

anton, here is what i did to learn how to ride stomach on the seat if you are still working on it.

  1. hold onto a wall or something and pull the seat out and put your stomach on it.
  2. get used to that feeling
  3. while still holding onto the wall, push off from it and try riding in that position. DO NOT hold onto the seat because you will lose your balance and the unicycle will either bang up your legs or you will fall or both. i learned that the hard way and i had bruises on the inside of my thighs.
  4. after you have gotten used to riding in that position, still start holding onto a wall and practice pulling the seat out and putting your stomach on the seat. make sure you do it fast.
  5. do step 4 but when you try it, don’t hold onto the wall
  6. try it but start by freemounting, riding a little and then do it. this make take a while to master.
  7. lastly, after you have mastered that, try to get from stomach on the seat position back to regular riding.

hope that helped!:slight_smile:

Tonight I:

Idled 55 times with my left foot down then rode away (new record!)
Idled 10 times with my right foot down then rode away (new record!)

My current goal is to be able to idle indefinately with either foot down. I’d also like to be able to go into an idle at any time without having to think about which foot is going to be down. I’ll only consider idling to be mastered when I’ve achieved both of these goals. I better get back at it…

i have been working on riding backwards. so today i rode about 2 meters backwards! then i tried again but i started going to fast and fell backwards and did a backwards somersault. but im ok now!

today, i have been working on jumping high and going backwards. im getting better and better!!

Man, thats a lot of idling:D

Good job!

today, i did 29 idles with one foot and 17 with the other and it was my first time!!

Unicyclingisfun: You make me sick. :smiley:

Today I:

Idled 60 times with my left foot down and rode away - New Record!
Idled 10 times with my right foot down and rode away.

Anton: Thanks! Yes, lots of idling. To me its the gateway to so many cool skills… Its already improved my overall control. Today I rode out in chilly weather so I wore a hooded sweater with pockets in front. I was able to ride fairly long distances with my hands in the pockets. I wouldn’t have been able to do that a month or 2 ago.

Wow! 60 You GO! You need to get into the triple digits. (maybe next week) Soon you’ll have to start measuring it by time instead of idles.

I totally agree with it helping all around riding and balance a lot. It just gets a bit on the boring side to go out and just work on idling. There are soooo many other things I want to work on. I’ll leave idling for when I’m having a bad day and need something to make me feel good.

lol. dont worry it was lucky. i was working on idling more after that and i couldnt get 29 again.

Today, i rode onefooted like…a long distance. longer then i can go backwards (which i have been working on longer then onefooted). wierd but cool!

trevor staador, im working on 180 unispins. any tips? how long did it take you to learn it?

Well I took me months because I only practice them for a little while then try again 3 weeks later or whatever.

Tips dont really have any sorry practice or and make sure you try to jump high. :wink:

this video helped me too

Good Luck hope you get it soon. :slight_smile:

I might see how many idles I can do with each foot it sounds fun. :slight_smile:

Post my progess this afternoon. :slight_smile: