The "Bailout mascot"!

Haha! :stuck_out_tongue:


Thanks for the SPAM! I was getting hungry…

Why can’t you ever let Terry just have some fun?

Because every bit of fun does not need it’s own thread.

Not if your Terry…

Thank God this is in JC huh?

Even JC doesn’t need a million threads each with one joke picture.

and a discussion whether each joke picture needs its own thread

and a snarky comment about self-moderation from some n00b

And then the naive person who always turns himself into a victim and takes things too seriously.


Hi Justin!

Everyone on this forum seem to be fairly happy, easy going and polite except maestro8, who jumps all over anyone who transgresses any forum etiquette or rule. Everyone seems fine with this and his pointy head reference makes it seem as though this is meant to be ironic. So, can someone explain it to me if there is more to it than meets the eye?

Hey Jerrick. How have you been?

Pretty good, but Ive been getting sick the last few weeks. I blame my sister for not taking her antibiotics correctly (Took the first pill, went out that night after being told not to go out and drink. She comes home the next day saying she drank to much and was throwing up all over.) So shes still sick and today I just want to go to bed and hope I feel better.

I am excited for a show I am playing at on the 20th at a bar over in Idaho

You forgot about ThisGuyIKnow and Harper. And me of course. :slight_smile:

What was this thread about again? Oh yeah, my party lost the election and now we’re going to treat the new administration as though they’re doing something differently than a new administration from the other party would have. :stuck_out_tongue:

Right, because there is such thing as a proper context for saying “wow your stupid”. :roll_eyes:

Once again, your eloquence and wit give testament to your 140 IQ.

I appreciate Maestro8’s comments. He has the same intentions as my posts, but says things in a much wittier manner than I do.

I love it how maestro takes an ego and does this with it


It hurts sooo bad at the begining…:stuck_out_tongue:
…Then you realize it’s a real salvation.
Everyone should be maestro8-ego-blasted once in a lifetime:D