The Art Thread!

OK…it would be cool to see some artists (maby not proffesional, but just for fun) here so post some of your masterpieces and lets see what you’ve got (no pressure) + im very interested to see the different styles here!

Il post some tomorrow when im awake!:stuck_out_tongue:

are photos ok

Yea…thats what il do…as in taking a piccy of yer drawing.

Oh man, it must be around 15 years since I’ve picked up a sketchbook or an airbrush. I do everything these days using photoshop.
For example:
Take one picture of someone fooling around on a uni…

Then take some arty shot of a rooftop…

A bit of photoshop jiggery-pokery and hey presto! Insant daredevil…

I have waaaay to much time on my hands. :slight_smile:

These are the drawings, the paintings are next. Most of this stuff is from my classes.

“Drawing I: Inside my head” -

We had to draw what was going on inside our heads. Most peole drew books, or music or something. This furthered my wat to having the class think I was psychotic.

18" x 24" charcoal on paper

“Drawing I: Hurricane Katrina” -

This assignment was to draw my thoughts on the Katrina disaster. Everyone else came in with people crying, and mothers holding children… I came in with rape and masturbation.

18" x 24" ebony pencil on paper

“Drawing I: Portrait” -

This is a portrait I did of my brother. It doesn’t look much like him, and I don’t really think he is that angry or depressed. to be honest, I just wanted to draw all the stuff in the background.

24" x 18" charcoal on paper

“Drawing I: Collage transfer” -

The assignment was to make a collage, then transfer it, using a grid. On the left there is a kid with his hand in a meat grinder, and on the rigth there are three happy kids.

24" x 18" ebony pencil on paper

“Robot vs Mime” -

This is my answer to the second problem of a heat transfer exam I took at Clarkson. I think all 4 pages of the exam are in another one of my albums. I got a zero.

11" x 8.5" pen on paper

“Drawing I: Self Portriat 2” -

These are two peliminary self portriats, for a life sized one that I have to draw for my final.

16" x 18" Charcoal on paper

“Drawing I: Dream” -

We had to draw our dreams, I don’t have them, or don’t remember them for the most part. Sometimes I dream in sound. This is how I felt after having an absolutly terrifying dream where I could hear footsteps in my basement outside my room.

People didn’t really think it looked like a nightmare though, so I guess it’s ineffective.

18" x 24" pen and ink on paper

And here are a few of my paintings:

“Story of Ricky” -

This is my crashpad for bouldering. It has probably kept my from breaking my ankles ar smashing my head on quite a few occasions. now when I look at it I get wicked psyched to climb and I can send anything (if it’s easy…). The Charecters mean “Strength” (or power) and “King”. I didn’t know this when I painted it, but have since been told that.

72" x 48" Fabric paint on synthetic (nylon, I think) fabric

“Plymouth Aflame” -

This was my 1993 plymouth acclaim. I masked it off and spray painted these flames. three colors, blended. It looked amazing. I had added a cows skull to the front of the car eventually, and it was super awesome!

Krylon spray paint on car

“Painting I: Whats inside my head” -

I’m not going to get into this one.

24" x 24" acryllic on canvas.

“Painting I: Open Topic” -

This is a painting of that clown I met in San Fransisco. I think it came out great, one of my better paintings.

18" x 24" acrylic on hard canvas.

“Painting I: Neo-Expressionism” -

We had to paint in some kind of a style. I chose Neo Expressionism. I love it.

24" x 24" accrylic on pressboard.

“Painting I: Sef Portrait” -

Here is the finished version. I like it better now. Actually, I realy like this peice, it’s reay big (larger than life sized), and it came out pretty much the way I wanted it to (The color is supposed to be off).

38" x 90" acrylic on canvas.

A few of my better drawings and paintings are some what innapropriate to be posted here, but the link to my whole portfolio is:

Thanks for looking, any comments or critiques are appreciated.

portrait of a freind.

once i get my portfolio disk back from my art teacher i will upload more. this is the only one on my computer right now.

You, sir, are obviously a troubled soul.

you are an artist dude…much love.

i posted this picture a while back, but i like it.

chosen-thanks for the compliment! :smiley:

i really like your drawing, you should do a comic strip with those characters if you dont already. its a funny style and i like it.

Make of this what you will…



Some of my photography.

The last picture is crooked, but I’ve not got around to adjusting it with photoshop.

Maybe wouldn’t call it ‘art’, or even good…but here’s a selection of three stirps from one of my comics:

That’s awsome! I love it!