The all new "Expanding Universe" debate

That must be due to global warming.

The inter galactic truth is still a puzzle

It is only the space between galaxies that is considered, by red shift light measurements, to be increasing.

I doubt very much that our current science is doing well on this.

We cling like children to Newton, fantasizing dark matter to make our galaxy not fly apart. :thinking:

The actual laws that govern gravity, and what our position in the gravity field of our galaxy may do to influence our vision, has not been accurately accessed IMHO. :thinking:

The closer our solar system is to the galactic center, the more compressed (blue shifted) light from other galaxies would appear.

Since the pop conclusion is that all galaxies are rushing away from us, perhaps we are far enough from our galactic center to cause that perception.

It is classic Einstein that gravity fields have a lensing effect. Sadly, I know of no way to take measurements from further out in our galaxy.

If I could, these measurements would show that the galaxies are rushing apart, faster then earth measurements show.

Much funnier, is the conclusion of scientists on solar systems much closer to the center of the milky way then us. They will measure a blue shift in the Doppler light that proves they were crushed to death in a mega collapse already LOL!:slight_smile: How truly funny! I laugh with them ! Understanding may be the only thing, perhaps, that can move faster then light !:slight_smile:

I came up with this theory drinking with my landlord; now that I am sober I think it still makes good sense.

Instead of one universe why not an infinite number of universes? Some expanding exponentially and some in a expand contract cycle and even some in a expand collapse cycle.

These universes would not be totally independent of each other. We may be in a dying universe that will not contract or collapse back on itself but eventually add its mass to multiple other universes that we will eventually collide with. When multiple expanding universes converge the center of this convergence could become a new gravity center and ultimately its own mini universe. These mini universes would have a huge amount of energy stored kinetically by the masses that were traveling in different directions. A universe with a high mass to energy ratio would collapse back on itself either to produce a huge gravity well or to have its own big bang similar to a red giant either forming a black hole or going supernova.

Universes with a high energy to mass ratio would fly apart and expand at an increasing rate.

The most common type of universe would probably be the kind that expands until it does not have enough energy to resist its own gravity and collapse back on itself, concentrating its mass and energy in a single point then exploding due to the inherent instability of having so much energy/mass in one spot.

The next most common type of universe is the infinitely expanding type, which has too much energy for its mass to stay together. These universes have but a single life and would emerge most likely from a collision of two universes.

The rarest type of universe would be dynamically stable with a fine balance of mass and energy, which would be regulated by releasing radiation when energy levels are to high and receiving radiation from the infinitely expanding universes. This is the universe that would be “breathing” pulling in and exhaling energy/mass. Without the radiation supplied by the expanding universes this type of universe would probably revert back to an expand/collapse type universe.

Funny the things you think up when you are drunk eh?

Now I better get back to studying tree rings