The all new "Expanding Universe" debate

If the universe is constantly expanding, is wall-to-wall carpet a good investment?

Let me check with my magic 8-ball…

Signs say yes.

If the universe expands and if you’re saying that walls expand as well, I dont see why shouldn’t the carpet expand too. The worse problem would be that some day, the roof might fall on you

But wouldn’t the roof expand as well?

Hey, I can see a great excuse brewing for gaining that weight over Thanksgiving.

Why would the carpet expand isn’t something other than the universe as in the carpet is in our universe, but not part of it. Also I don’t see why the walls would expand either. Yeah, though, carpet feels good on the feet unlike cold tile.

But they are a pain to clean.

The real question is: Will DVD-players expand with it or will the disc get stuck in there one day?

the question which concerns me, is will the carpet bugs expand too?

Cool! Can’t wait for my trials uni to turn into a Coker :slight_smile:

So everything keeps getting bigger and bigger, but stays in proportion with each other…so we think we’re staying the same size since we can’t see anything different but really everything is just exploding pretty much?
That is so weird.

Let’s hope not, I wouldn’t want something that looked like this running round my living room :astonished:

My reply is No

I’m looking forward to meeting Cindy Loo Who in person.

But with more SPACE between the particles and wavicles inside the atom.

Wouldn’t that create a vacuum? Oh yeah! It’s the vacuum that causes the universe to CONTRACT after it expands to its outer limits.

So if the universe is expanding, then contracting, it’s like the entire universe is breathing…or like bouncing, in and out, which is just like breathing…

Exactly! Bouncing, or even hopping on my MUni, is exactly like breathing, only much more strenuous, and relative to breathing, very few people do it.

But you’re saying it’s like the universe is hopping on my MUni.

Yes it is. Only VERY slowly.


When my personal “universe” expands I have to add holes to my belt.

If the Universe is expanding, it’s going to need a longer asteroid belt. Maybe even a Universe Girdle.

Physicists are saying the same thing Adam said to Eve when his first erection was beginning: Stand back. I’m not sure how big this thing gets!

So …How big does the universe get? Is it just compensating for a lack somewhere else? Why does it bother expanding? Especially since it’s only gonna shrink again later?

But is it going to shrink again? I understand that the most recent research suggests that not only is it still expanding, but that the rate at which it is expanding is actually increasing. That is quite a concept to get the head around. See, for example:
