The 9/11 Commemoration Thread

Im suprised no one thought of this before.

Here we gather to solemnly remember those who died that terrible day, and share our memories of where we were and how we first heard the news.
Please, to show respect to the deceased, no political debates or discussions here, as this is a memorial, not a place to fight.

I was in 4th grade, and at the time of the first impact (8:46:30) i was just entering the classrom from morning recess. My teacher knew, but decided not to tell us. I went through the whole day oblivious, until i got home. My parents brought me into their room and told me my family was safe, but that there had been a terrible attack, and many people were dead, and i might not want to watch TV as it would be disturbing. i had been to the WTC 2 years before, and had gone to the top, and eaten in a restaurant underground. what had happened didnt really hit me until i realized i had been THERE. right there.

I was at work, and my brother called me to tell me a plane had flown into the WTC. I was thinking it was a small plane or something. Never in my wildest dream would I have thought a real airliner. Then while we were on the phone he said a second plane hit the other tower. I was completely in disbelief, almost dizzy. I just couldn’t comprehend that it was on accident, and why would anyone do this on purpose. I had one of my employees run home, and get a 20 inch TV and we hooked it up. All day we sat there watching the coverage, occasionally interupted by a call, or customer. All I could thisnk was “What are these people doing? Don’t they know what has happened? Why are they bothering me with something as unimportant as pest control while thousands of people have just died?”

One teacher walked into our classroom and wispered something to the other. She said something along the lines of “Ok, we are going to join the other class in the other classroom.” The teachers explained the whole thing to us, and we spent the majority of the day discussing it.

I just hate some of the media coverage. Some of it is great, commemerating those who died, but other stuff is retarted. ABC has something on about how they were able to buy enough ammonimum nitrate to blow up a building. I mean, the media down there (im in canada) works on fear, doesn’t it? We get all the american news up here, but it is almost all negitave news designed to create fear. Stupid news programs will do anything for ratings.

I remember I was in my sixth grade Social Studies class, working on some kind of war study sheet (not sure what war), and my teacher got a cell phone call, and then rushed over to the TV and turned it on…that’s all I remember from that day, except that when I got home my mom was crying while watching the news. I don’t think I fully comprehended it until I was watching the news with her that night, and realized how devasting it was. That’s one of the only times I can ever remember tearing up watching the news.

I was in sixth grade too… but I was asleep when the first one hit, then my mom woke me up and we watched the second one hit on live tv.

Schoolwork that day was pretty much just watching the news. All day.

Funnily enough, I received the DVD I ordered today, it is a documentary about 9/11.
I recommend that everyone in the entire nation watch it…it is very important.
The website is here:
And you can watch the whole thing online here:

Loose Change is much more than just a doctumentary…


5 years, ago i was watching the towers fall thinking exactly what i think to this day…9/11 was an inside job.

% years ago, I was sleeping soundly in my bed, then was awoke alarmingly. Not by my mom, not by anyone, I just woke up and I didnt feel good.

Usually, when I wake up, I stretch and lay about for another 10 or so mins before I get up, but that morning, right after waking up, I got up and right into my living room. My mom was sitting on the couch crying and I asked what was wrong, and she said about 20 seconds ago a plane hit the first tower, then a little after that, I saw the second one hit on tv.

I still find it kinda weird that I woke up right as the first plane hit.

My 2nd oldest sister called our house from university and told us to turn on the TV. As i ate my breakfast thousands of people died in horrific and tragic circumstances right in front of my eyes.
I visited New York last year and almost all the people i talked to had a connection to someone that died in the attack. What inspired me most though, was their lack of desire for revenge for what had occured.

My story isn’t very special… woke up, started working (at home), my roomie told me to turn on the TV and the rest of the morning was spent in awed silence. After so much news I had to go for a walk in the woods to clear my mind. I couldn’t understand how some people could be so reckless, so careless.

Sorry to bring up politics, but I was very touched by Keith Olbermann’s commentary on the handling of 9/11 on MSNBC’s countdown. Somehow he was able to verbalize some of my thoughts and feelings in a way I could never have. You may watch the video or read the transcript from this link…

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