Thanks, Gilby!

Thank you, Gilby!



I donā€™t really know why we are thanking Gilby at this moment, but I must say I donā€™t need any more reason than the existence of ā€¦ Thanks, thank-you and lovely great brilliant.


I deeply regret this method. Everyone should have free speech.
Sendfairy was making a fool of himself anyway.

Next wednesday Iā€™m going to come and stand in front of your house and shout profanities about you all week.

Still agree about free speech?


Thatā€™s a good idea Phil

Sofa. AKA Philfairy :stuck_out_tongue:


however words can be sharper than knivesā€¦
you can always talk back (defend, like Sendhair did excelent).

besidesā€¦ that shouting profanities without any (or false) arguments is illegalā€¦ (at least in my country).

He still can, I did not delete the tread, I just moved it to where you can find lots of other scum.

  • Gilby

Ah, OK that a better place!
That makes it a very nice method.


Yes you did good moving anything that has to do with SENDHAIR to a place where they deal with scum! Kudos to you!
man if you guys only knew what i know about this creep,boy would you change your tune!

There I am againā€¦ in all capital letters!

Itā€™s like being mentioned on CNN!

Whew! I wonder if this is how other deities feel when they see what is written about them.

There still seems to be that old, nagging, reading comprehension problem, thoughā€¦

If we can bear to examine this particular pathology further, thereā€™s an interesting fixation with ā€œmanā€, ā€œguysā€, ā€œboyā€, as wellā€¦
(all of you ladies on this forum, take heart, not offense!).

Anyone care to speculate on the implied meaning of the phrase ā€œchange your tuneā€ ?

Deep down, there may be a ā€œchildā€ there, begging for acceptanceā€¦

ā€¦ of course, the ā€œchildā€ may just be a spoiled brat who needs to have its keyboard impounded.

leo, i would agree with u
we have to bear in mind that this forum is a specialised communication opportunity
we have all, voluntarily, undertaken to ā€˜curbā€™ our own right to free speech in the interest of the sport and the forum
we do not discuss anything unduly risque because we want parents of young unicyclists to know that they can allow their children to browse this forum at will, in the interest of finding out more about unicycling
we have also agreed to empower certain members of this forum to ā€˜clear outā€™ any threads that could threaten that ā€˜uni-friendlyā€™ aspect of the forum
if u browse the spam forum, uā€™ll find a whole host of ads for all sorts of things
have we also infringed on the advertisersā€™ right to free speech?
i know that i like knowing that baseless (?) personal attacks will not be permitted on this forum
itā€™s a grey area and i think by moving as opposed to deleting the thread, gilby showed a nice diplomatic touch

now, can i still buy that uni with the training wheels?



donā€™t really understand the point in this post but hey iā€™ll join u!

thanx gilby! :stuck_out_tongue:

Re: ?

thatā€™s never stopped the rest of us

Iā€™ve been hanging at a gliding forum, hoping for some hard-core technique talk like found here; no dice- the place is mostely filled with ā€˜you suck forā€™-insert subject- type posts. This place is SOOO much better.

I would go one further than impounding the keyboard, though- Iā€™d bend his cranks, too.

Hey, Mr. Hair: mines down to about belt level now- post an adress and Iā€™ll mail you some (or I can bring it by for the Worlds).



Uhhhā€¦ thanks, but no thanks!

Nuthinā€™ personalā€¦ I just donā€™t like hair, thatā€™s why I shave mine off.

ā€œ(I) send (my) hair (down the drain.)ā€

I guess I donā€™t expect you or Greg to understand, just as I donā€™t understand how you guys afford the shampoo bills!


Oh, waitā€¦

Is this where we were supposed to explain what a hair is?

Iā€™ll bite (if asked nice): all of it or just the stuff on top?

I think chicks dig the shiney scalp thang. What do you think of scalp-shaved chicks, Rick?

I have it on some authority that Greg doesnā€™t incure any shampoo bills, but sells the excess hair to support his Man-About-Town life style.


(Ahem! This is a family-forum, Chris!) If you must know, I have a goatee, but only to avoid the trouble/hazards of chin-shaving. Eyebrows intact.

Been there, done that (pre-Japan)ā€¦

She almost got fired from her job as a hairstylistā€¦ the salon-owner said (actually, screamed) that shaving her head was ā€œan anti-hair statementā€.

I silk-screened a couple of T-shirts for us that read:


This was in the era of Nancy Reagan, yunnerstanā€¦[/SIZE]

Do you mean gaijin {guy-gene} (Nihongo for ā€œforeignerā€)?

Iā€™m only a gaijin in Japan. When Iā€™m in the US, Iā€™m an umare no hito (ā€œnativeā€), and a kokumin (ā€œcitizenā€).

Now that you mention it, I guess that over here, Iā€™m my favorite gaijin, too! :o

