Thanks for NAUCC 2003!

This thread was suspiciously missing, so here it is now. I hope many of you will chime in with me here:

Thanks to Constance Cotter, Cathy Anderson, TCUC, and all the others who helped to make NAUCC 2003 a success. I had a blast! Everything not only seemed to work, but most everything seemed to be about as on-time as it gets at these things. A job amazingly well done.

As our conventions get bigger and more complex, it gets harder and harder to set up all the things we’d like to have. This was perhaps one of the most complete sets of events and venues we’ve had at a USA convention. I can’t think of when we’ve had all of that stuff before. Yaay! And that’s not even counting the “unofficial” events that were tacked on here and there by Darren and others.

Thanks also to Darren Bedford for all his zany events and antics to keep us laughing.

One of the biggest improvements this year over the past was the dividing up of awards ceremonies. Though I didn’t go to all of them, I’m sure it made things a lot more bearable to try to give out the days’ awards at the end of that day. This also made it possible for people to go eat or whatever, and not be a captive audience.

Thanks Jerry and John H. for picking up my awards for me.

The final awards ceremony was just about right, with all the top awards presented together, real cool photo-plaques, and not so many awards that the audience lost interest.

As always, there were learning experiences along the way, and things we want to avoid in the future, but that’s for some other time. The point here was that the convention worked, we had a great time, and we’re all pumped up for the next one. Time to think of where that next one will be…


Let me add to what John Foss said by repeating some of the words I wrote for the NAUCC 2003 program:

The spirit of our founding members lives on in the volunteers who give generously of their time to run your Society. Nowhere is this spirit stronger than in the members of the NAUCC 2003 Organizing Committee. Please join us in giving sincere thanks to the following people who made this wonderful event possible:

NAUCC 2003 Co-Directors: Cathy Anderson and Connie Cotter

Treasurer: Steve Shields
Facilities: Greg Muellerleile and Dana Schneider
Registration: Zata Vickers, Karen Schneider and Bill Schneider
Program: Joan Magnuson
Media: Sue Sheilds
Workshops: Colin Schworer
Ribbons and Medals: Sharon Weber
Information Packets: Ginny Steinhagen
Trophies: Roger Magnuson and Bill Gilbertson
Logo Designer: Greg Muellerleile
T-Shirt Designer: Kevin Gilbertson
Webmaster: Kevin Gilbertson
Concessions: Judy Witbeck
Hotels: Garrett Macey
Raffle: Kevin Gilbertson
Public Show: Dana Schneider
Final Party: Dana Schneider

Director of Artistic Events: Connie Cotter
Chief Judge: Connie Cotter
Standard Skill: Bill Gilbertson
Freestyle: Connie Cotter
Director of Racing: Dana Schneider
Racing Referee: Colin Schworer
MUni Director: Max Dingemans, with understudies Roger Magnuson, Gus Dingemans and Dustin Kelm
Orienteering: Andy Cotter
10K Race: Karl Wigert
Basketball: Darrell Krentz and Jake Donahue
Hockey: Andy Cotter

Tom Daniels
President, Unicycling Society of America, Incorporated

Everybody that I talked with there at the NAUCC had a wonderful time. Wonderful!!! I’m still exhausted from the week of non-stop uni action. I never imagined how much fun and how much I would learn in such a short time. One thing was certainly affirmed, unicycle folks are awesome! I enjoyed meeting new folks and finally meeting my e-friends that I’ve made over the last year.

A special thank you to all who came and all who made this uni-party happen.


Hey, Tommy,

Tom Daniels just gave you a list of all the shoes you’ll have to fill for the 2004 NAUCC…



A really big thanks to the TCUC, organizers, and volunteers from Andrea and me.

From our perspective everything went off without a hitch.

The NAUCC 2003 in 10 words or less: More fun than a person should be allowed to experience.

Thank-you to all the people at TCUC who helped in a large or a small way to make the NAUCC 2003 a success and a great time.

Special thanks to Jake, for picking me up at the airport and the tour of the city. Thanks to Connie for arranging that ride and so much more.

It was great to renew old friendships and to make new ones.

The NAUCC or what we affectionately call the Nationals are an amazing event that sometimes seems like a well keep secret. As I never new such a thing took place till I ran into a friend named Darren Bedford who told me about them may years ago. So let’s help to spread the word about unicycling and the best yearly unicycling event, the NAUCC.

Well, since I was the first back I should have posted a Thank You thread. John did a much better job than I could have ever done.

I want to also say Thank You to all of you that helped to make the 2003 NAUCC such a great time for even a begginer like me. I was a lost sole wondering in on Thursday morning and have to say I really had a great time and found everything to be very well organized. I am originally from MN and have to say that coming home to such a great event hosted by such giving people was an incredible experience. Love Minn/St Paul. If it wasn’t so cold half the year I’d move back.

I would also like to say thanks to all the people that jumped in and helped my wife as she was learning how to ride while I occupied my 2 1/2 year old daughter. I really like Unicycling People. Just good to be around…

I look forward to hearing the announcement from the Memphis Club on the dates for the 2004 convention in Memphis(or is this just wishful thinking?)


The location for NAUCC 2004 is wide open. We do not have any offers from prospective hosts on the table at this time. Wood One Wheelers (WOW) offered to host in Bowling Green, OH but they could only get the facilities at a time that completely conflicted with UNICON 12 (July 23 - August 2, 2004).

The USA is, therefore, considering organizing NAUCC 2004. Several individuals and groups I spoke with at NAUCC 2003 are currently investigating potential venues. One advantage of our situation is that we can look at potential locations independent of those areas that have a large club.

Individuals and / or groups with specific ideas (and, preferably, specific information on availability and costs of venues) are encouraged to contact me as soon as possible.

Wath this forum, the USA Web site and future issues of On One Wheel for more information on NAUCC 2004.

Tom Daniels
President, Unicycling Society of America, Incorporated

Thanks for the memories. Thanks to Gus for the spare spokes. I torqued Blueshift so hard in the 10k that I broke one. Gus had me hooked up the next day.

There were alot of things that ran smoothly with limited funds. Minneapolis people power filled in the gaps. Thanks to an endless list of contributors from only one of a larger list of benefactors.

Kelsey, your mom is SO cool!

Thanx For The Memories

As always, the NAUCC experience was fun, heart warming and empowered us to grow and rise to a new level in skill and as an individual. Connie, Cathy, and all of those who contributed to organizing this wonderful experience for all of us deserve our heart-felt thanks, accolades, and best wishes. Connie and TCUC, you have always been Panther Prides’ inspiration, mentors and guiding light. Thank you for all that you have done, over a period of many years, for the unicycling community.
“Have One Wheelly Wonderful Year”,
Alan Tepper

We had an absolutely wonderful time the entire week of NAUCC. I’m sure there were hiccups along the way but only from the perspective of the organizers. From our perspective, it was extremely well organized and a lot of fun.

Our fun started during the trip up to Minneapolis. As our home was only three miles off the Drummond’s trip route, John and Amy and family stopped in for a respite, then we all caravaned up together. Our cars and campers were all painted up with our destinations and intentions which opened up quite a few conversation opportunities with other travelers during our pit stops.

When we arrived in Minny, we parted ways with the Drummonds and headed for the “Unknown Campground” (Lowry Grove RV Park). The campground was only 10 minutes north of Augsburg but no native Minnyites seemed to have heard of it. (It’s on the corner of Stinson and Lowry behind Bremer Bank, guys).

Both Augsburg and St. Thomas were beautiful facilities. Knowing how difficult and expensive it is to land facilities, thanks to TCUC for the great venue sites! Many more thanks to the crew for choosing two sites within reach of a Starbucks. I know that was the first priority in choosing the sites.

It was so great to see everyone again on Wednesday night. I heard more than once during the week that these conventions are more like family reunions than a convention. Now that this is our second convention, I wholeheartedly agree! I especially enjoyed putting faces with newsgroup names…Lewis, Chris, and Tommy, Steve DeKoekKoek, Nikki and so many others. It was as if we’d first met long ago and were just getting together again for another round of fun. The downspot of the week though was Bill Gilbertson’s garage fire. Our hearts and our prayers went out for Bill and his loss.

We enjoyed the parade and weather in Centerville immensely. It was an honor to ride with the independant group IN BACK OF THE WHITE VAN. Let’s just say that this unkempt group was “entertaining”. Also, thanks to Jerry Gruss for my pre-parade ride on his Penny-Farthing.

And then for the off road time in the woods…I rode in my first Muni event to the delight of my wife and the chagrin of my body. Thanks to my riding mates, Reed and Keith, for the challenge of just keeping up. I managed to finish! I actually thought I had finished last but found that I had vanquished two 6 year old girls who had briefly become lost in the woods. That brought back some of the competitive fire in me knowing that I actually had beaten two superior riders.

Another great time was the uphill and downhill slalom. We loved the downhill wipeouts that almost put NASCAR to shame. But the best for Mom and Dad, though, was watching Ben power all the way up the hill for both of his official uphill runs. Way to go, Legs!

Again, the track and field venue was superb! I observed Dana Schneider marching around the field with necessary authority keeping the events moving. Thanks Dana for a great racing event.

The final party was great! Too bad I didn’t have room for seconds on strawberry shortcake. John Drummond and I had been itching over the past year for a chance to do some pickin’ and grinnin’ together and we were finally able to pull it off in a corner at the final party. John’s a durn tootin’ good banjo player if you didn’t get the chance to hear him play. Maybe next time, we can gather up some more instrumentalists for a great jam session.

All in all, sky-high kudos to the TCUC organizing team and the many unknown others that enabled the rest of us to enjoy a fantastic week. Mary and I and the boys are already looking forward to the next reunion. Our encouragement goes to those who weren’t able to be there this year to make plans for 2004. See you there!

Brucetoad and the rest of the toadettes

I would also like to say Thank you to Cathy and Connie and everyone responsible for NAUCC 2003. We had a great time participating, watching, meeting new friends and acquiring new unicycle shirts.

I rode my first ever 10k. Thank you all for the encouragement along the way.

Thank you to everyone who took pictures and shared them by posting them in the Gallery.

The event was wonderful and I hope to see everyone again soon.


The SouthEast would be nice next year (hint hint hint) :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Sounds like we have a new host. :wink:

Yeah, should host it. Think of all the money and time they’d save by not having to move their stuff so far. :slight_smile:

Oh goodie! I love Atlanta! I’m sure that their newly forming unicycle club would just LOVE to jump right in and host this event.


Atlanta would be nice, but I was thinking about the Appalachians so we could do some REAL mUni riding. A town like Asheville NC would be more than big enough to host it PLUS they have a HUGE biking community and some of the best riding on the East Coast is just a stones throw from the city. The town in general and the surrounding area is very proactive when it comes to sports and nature. I think it would be a big hit if hosted there.

Here is the last event that was hosted there:

Here are some pics of freeriding at that event:

I’m telling ya, Asheville would rock!

zod (official spokesperson for the South East) :stuck_out_tongue:

No doubt Ashville, N.C. would be a great venue but you need a large cadre of volunteers to put on a show like this. Generally, bike folks wouldn’t give of their time to put on somebody else’s show. Seriously, I do believe that it is going ot have to be a large, well established club that can follow the act that we saw in Minneapolis this year.

A boy can dream Tommy, a boy can dream :wink:

Sometimes I think I am the only unicyclist in North Carolina

I’d love an excuse to go to Asheville! Perhaps one could get the convention and visitor’s folks involved and it could happen without a large club membership. I’d love for the MUC to host but I look around at our meetings and I see (a few) folks that are already too-over-extended and then think about what a great job TCUC did. Whoa! What an act to follow! I’d love to present a regional event as a warm-up to hosting a national event.

Currently I’m working on organizing and presenting a regional, weekend, freestyle workshop. Details to follow.
