Thank youfor cheering me up

Thanks guys

Reading RSU is currently the second best bit of my mon-thurs day. Its
managed to beat chocolate which is only in third place at the moment.
Its offical , is more cheering than chocolate.

talking to Paul on the phone has the number one slot in case your

Union of UK Unicyclists
By and for UK riders

Sarah, you’re

But what about reading RSU while fullfilling all your chocolatey desires with smooth, delicious, melt in your mouth chocolate?


Re: Thank youfor cheering me up

Yes, that Hershey’s is quite the tops! :slight_smile:


Re: Re: Thank youfor cheering me up

No, Hershey’s is not good chocolate. I’m going to take a guess that Sarah would completely abstain from chocolate if all she could get was Hershey’s bars.

Dove chocolate is much much better than Hershey’s. Try some and renew your passion for chocolate.

I’ve got ghiradelli chocolate in my city! MMMmmmmm chocolate…
Luckily, my whole family are chocolate conniseurs. We always have at least 1 lb of assorted types of chocolate chips in our house at one time. As a matter of fact, I think I’ll have some right now:D :smiley: . We need a smilie with chocolate all over it’s face of on the teeth:D :sunglasses: MMMMmmmmmm chocolate:p :smiley:

Re: Thank youfor cheering me up

> ‘Dove chocolate’ ( is much much
> better than Hershey’s. Try some and renew your passion for chocolate.

That’s good stuff, but see if you can get your hands on some
Scharfenberger - WOW!


Re: Re: Re: Thank youfor cheering me up

Tongue in cheek, JC, if you recall an old thread about Marmite that led into a lengthy discussion about the quality of British chocolate and Hershey’s that tasted like chalk. :slight_smile:


marmite? if i could get to illinois right now, i’d do some mean things to you for mentioning yeast extract on here

as to the chocolate, maybe the reason i won’t touch milk chocolate is that i’ve never had anything but the cheap stuff. but if i get the more expensive stuff, i’d more likely go straight for the dark

Re: Re: Re: Re: Thank youfor cheering me up

I forgot about the Marmite thread. But I do remember a discussion with Paul or Sarah during UNICON about the poor quality of our chocolate.

Let’s not get started on the Marmite thing again… please.

sorry i’m a bit behind, what’s this thread about? Chocaholics?

You guys should try Tobleronë, it’s REALLY good and it’s swiss chocolate…MMMMM!


I agree. RSU has never-ending entertainment value.

I’ve had to clean tea off my computer screen on many occasions while reading comments from the lovable chuckleheads who contribute here.

Next time you’re in Minnesota, stop by my house for some Count Chocula and a nice long ride.



I’m not a connesseur (don’t even know how to spell it). For me, most any chocolate is good chocolate. I guess I just live in a happier place.

But I do draw the line somewhere. That stuff on Whoppers malted milk balls might be chocolate flavored wax, but it ain’t chocolate!

There are no unicycles in this thread.

At the risk of continuing to wing this puppy off-topic, my FAVOURITE chocolate is dark, creamy Denman Island Chocolate bars ( They have a couple of flavoured dark chocolate bars, Razzle Dazzle (with raspberry chunks) and Zesty Orange, that are just to die for. The only place I know to get them right now is the occasional little store and on the BC ferries, so they are my must-have treat on the way to Vancouver Island.

And yes, mass market chocolate bars in Britain are superior to the North American versions, IMHO. A KitKat in the UK tastes more cocoa-y than sugary compared to the Canadian version (I haven’t compared US versions).

And yes, RSU is an endless source of entertainment and inspiration for me during an in-office work day too…


I tried Denman Island Chocolate bars for the first time this summer. I absolutely love the coffee one (it has little bits of coffee bean).

I tried them while riding around Hornby Island on my 20" (to mention unicycling for the first time on this thread).:wink:


What is all this pro chocolate talk? Are you trying to bump RSU down to third place?


I’ll be on a ferry to Vancouver Island on Saturday, but from Anacortes, WA. I’ll see if they have any of that on there; maybe it’ll turn me into more of a chocolate snob!

My destination? Kris and Shannon’s wedding!

Re: Re: Thank youfor cheering me up

That may be the name of some excellent chocolate, but to me it sounds like something a diseased cow might cough up. :smiley:
You’ll have to excuse me, though, because I don’t speak German.