Thank you for attending TOque 2004 !

Just a note to those who made long drives or flights to attended TOque this year.

Spending the day today with a bunch of you was nice.

We had Gilby and Max drive 15 hours from Minnesota.

THEDAN.COM, Dan, Ben and Joey drove 10 hours from Boston.

Checkernuts, Mike drive 6 from Pittsburgh.

Marcus and Jason drive from Michigan.

Carl, Karl, Thomas, Devon, Jason, Callan, James, Norm from Ottawa.

Jack from Shelton, WA flew in.

Kevin McMullin from New Brunswick flew in.

A big group from Quebec city, a 10 hour drive.

Kris Holm from Vancouver flew in.

A couple from Montreal and a young rider from Calgary. Sorry I don’t have their names !!!

Lots of other riders I may be forgetting as well !

Thanks again, I hope to see you all again next year.


P.S. I’m sure there will be a post and pictures on the event soon.

:frowning: sniff sniff

the crummy weather ruined our travel plans and we couldnt come…

yeah, it was actually my first time flying. i had a really good time at toque too. thanks to everyone who helped organize it, and especially to the atkins who gave me a place to sleep for the weekend. as well as norm who drove me everyday. it was awesome to be around unicyclists all day everyday. so thanks again evreyone, i had an amazing time, and i’ll deifnitely be there next year.


yea it was so awesome, ill definately be there next year!

thanks alot to everyone who contributed it was so fun!