Hey all, my wife and I are moving from the frigidness of Quebec to the not-so-frigid south, Texarkana Arkansas-area to be specific. Any riders relatively close? I did some quick searches, but my current knowledge of the geography is limited
We drive through there on our way to Tennessee every christmas. I live in College Station, but that’s probably a good 5-6 hours from you, probably.
Anyone? Anyone? Le sigh… gonna be awwwfully lonely… :’(
You’ll need to make a trip down to Aggieland.
We have an active group in Memphis but that is a long way from Texarkana.
Tulsa is quite a distance also.
Consider coming to Ft. Sill next to Lawton, OK next weekend for the Hills Of Hell cycling event. Register at www.bikereg.com. I’ll be there and maybe a couple others.
I won’t be down there for a couple more weeks, but I’ll have to stay apprised of locales and happenings.
I’d like to stay in the North East, but part of that I know is from A) Never having lived anywhere else, it’s my safe bubble, B) I hate insects, and here in Quebec the majority die in the winter.
I forget how far Memphis is, but if I recall gas is cheaper and speed limits are higher down there… So who knows where I’ll show up?
According to my map program, Texarkana to Memphis is 276.93 miles (approximately).
Quebec to southwest Arkansas, wow, talk about culture shock. Texarkana is at the junction of Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana. Can you say “humidity”? Just think about those warm summer nights when the low temperature gets DOWN to 85 degrees F.
Let us know if you come through Memphis. We have an active group.
B) You better get used to bugs.
My grandmother used to live near Tampa, and we’d go down there in the summer. Quebec & NH (where I was raised) get some pretty humid/hot days, just not as many. The hottest I remember was 115F+ when I was working in NH in a non-airconditioned garage with long pants and a work shirt over my t-shirt. After work I went and muni’d, and it was still ~107F at 9:30pm that night I think I’ll handle the heat no problem. 85F at night is not uncommon in summer up here either.
Of course, whilst my inlaws shiver when it’s 60F, I’ll still be walking around in my shorts thinking how comfy it is
Culture shock a bit… I’ve already been warned that I’ll be teased for talking like a Yankee A few months and I’ll prolly get a bit of the accent.
276 miles isn’t too bad. I remember driving through Memphis a couple summers ago on the way down and back. Maybe a weekend trip or so. Any good muni down there? Even if there’s no “m” in it?
Bugs… sigh… I remember the roaches in Florida. I think my wife is bug-bombing the new place as I type
Memphis does not have any mountains but we do have some dirt bicycle trails with enough hills to give us a good workout. The tree roots add to the challenge. Drop us a note if you ever come through town. You can reach us through the Memphis Unicycle Club website. We sometimes have 6 riders doing trails on Saturday morning.
Definitely going to have to check out MUC. Looks like you have a good size group of people to ride with, and while the pics I saw lacked the “m” in “muni”, I’ve never been a fan of riding the mountains anyways. Well, going down the mountains is fun, up - not so much Roots are no problem… They’re what make muni fun
Go make new friends and teach them!
Sounds like a plan At least my wife rides too, so I’ll have someone to ride with