Testing website help request

Hello all,

I’m in the process of building a uni site for myself.

It’s hosted by a Czech company that don’t provide SSL without a hefty fee - so I’ve got it set up via Cloudflare

This appears to all work and shows padlock and https connection when I access via VPN or Apple’s Private Relay.

Essentially I’m curious of people could test it from their location and let me know if it shows as secured when not on a VPN or Private Relay.

Thanks so much


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No VPN user here, SSL present. :slight_smile:

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Same here, on Firefox :slight_smile:

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Shows as secure with a valid certificate (expires 14 Nov 2022) on Safari on MacOS 12.5 and Chrome on Windows-10.

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Thanks so much everyone.

Very reassuring to hear.

Oddly enough on my personal laptop - try as I might it won’t load when not on VPN / Private Relay.

Have heard / read that it takes time for some browser cache to clear (which I’ve done manually) - and do wonder if it is my ISP blocking things.

It does load secure from my work laptop - but I can’t be sure that isn’t using some general purpose VPN or proxies.

I hope it figures things our with the 24-48 hours I’ve heard it can take.

Still can’t wrap my head round why this happens though.

Thanks again uni-hive-mind :pray:

I’ve encountered this kind of issue several times when working on websites with new certificates… And I don’t know how to properly fix this temporary issue :man_shrugging:

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I managed to fix it by setting my home router to use a public DNS server.

As it looks like my ISP’s DNS cache is sloooooooooooooow to refresh - and it feels like it was slow in general as the new DNS feels much more snappy to resolve domains and load.

But it was frustrating to not be able to push a button to have the cache purged or refreshed.

Thanks again for the help from this forum!!


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Every DNS cache should respect the TTL of your DNS entries. Consider setting it to a lower value. A low setting allows for a fast DNS-based failover to a backup site if needed…

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Looks fine to me here, all the way in thailand

All seems to work for me, but your journal entry is completely empty (https://mindbalance.cc/journal/day-one)

I presume you just haven’t written it yet.

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Yeah it is totally in skeleton mode. Using Grav CMS so it means I am learning how to piece things together how I want them to work going forward. And then add content and polish.

Banners etc are more placeholders for more professional designs later.

It’s a fun thing to do :grinning: