Trials, flatland, freestyle, street - help me out, what’s the difference and what sort of spec does a unicycle have to have to be inclined towards each discipline?
Also, what are the best unis for each?
Trials, flatland, freestyle, street - help me out, what’s the difference and what sort of spec does a unicycle have to have to be inclined towards each discipline?
Also, what are the best unis for each?
This site has some useful information about the different disciplines:
Yes, I’m being lazy. As soon as I posted I realised that all the information is out there to be found - typing flatland, trials and street in to youtube gets to the point.
What I would like to know - which can’t be found through typing into a search engine - what’s the best trials uni for a 6’1"210lb newbie - KH20, Koxx-one or some other? Would it be best to make one bespoke i.e a 19" KH wheel with moment cranks (length), and a Koxx frame, pit fighter seatpost etc etc? Buying a uni off the shelf is OK but I quite like the idea of putting the bits together to make the best one for what you need.
Wiki is just OK
There is some good information there, but many of my edits get deleted by all the bike riders who have over run that forum. They know I hate them, they delete my edits faster than I can post them. Bike riders can edit Wiki. And they are so fast. I hate it, and them, but what can you do ? Ah well, relax, you are at the uni forum now. Here is the stuff only we can tell you.
Uni riding is dangerous in unique ways. Most of these terms are units of measure used only by uni riders.
A Foss. At 3 Foss, there will be so many old uni’s in your garage you will not be able to find the new ones. Not all garages can survive 2 Foss , hanging unis from the ceiling collapse many but it is often survivable. A garage at 1 Foss is sorta the standard in the uni business, where you may need a larger garage if you collect beyond one Foss of unicycles.
A Terry, is a unit of humiliation felt by younger uni riders being passed by older riders. Every MPH x decade older than you = 1 Terry of humiliation. There is no cure for a Terry. You just wear as much protective gear as possible, and rush though the area as fast as you can.
FTL (fine, tiny, little ), is a special metric nut size used for the tiny nuts used to build the tiny unicycles midgets ride in the circus. Because of the enormous popularity of midgets and the circus with unicyclists, the term FTL is commonly seen here. Just as the uniquely screwy ISIS, and Torker bearing sizes are unknown outside of the unicycle industry, even many unicyclists are unaware that FTL, is just little nuts, so I try to point this out when I can.
Fabulous - thank you.
Being less than a decade younger than him I doubt whether I will be suffering from too many Terry’s - unless, of course, I meet up with the man himself - an inspirational talent.
If you want to learn to ride trials pretty much any of the trials unis out there will work great for you. KH, K1, Nimbus, Impact, Qu-Ax, Torker DX, etc.
But if you want to use the same unicycle to learn flatland/freestyle tricks you are going to want something with a flat crown and a long neck. The flat crown for foot on crown tricks and the long neck because you are tall and a standard seatpost won’t be long enough for someone your height using shorter cranks.
Pretty sure you are safe in the UK. From T*rry anyway.
saskatchewanian - very jealous of your new Guni - it’s seeing pictures of that that made me want another uni.
Thanks, it is a fun little beast.
I think I’m about to get one of the Nimbuses. Flat crown, and more than $200 less than the excellent KH. That said, there’s also the current crop of Koxx unicycles to be found online at big box stores like Meijers for around $200. All very good, strong unicycles.
Will this change how much a Foss is?
How much is a Foss anyway? I don’t think any of us will ever achieve 3 Foss (except maybe you, er is that even possible?)
I know I am not even close at 8 but like to think that I have about half a Foss.
Leno’s law
“I spent many hours thinking, pulling at my chin, until I realized a Foss is an absolute finite constant. I can’t sell a car. To remain under the safe level of 1 Foss, I started building more garages” - Jay Leno, 1983.
Not sure if it represents the exact # of unicycles in my garage or what. If so, the number I’ve been using for many years is that I have thirty-something. But with this new Trials I may be up to thirty-twelve. Not all are assembled.
But Eric, remember this is quantity, not quality. Probably none of yours are Troxels, Stelbers, Hedstroms, Panasonics, NHKs or Schwinns.
Panasonic made a unicycle?
The Quest for Zero UPD?
More accurately, Panasonic made a sticker and a few phone calls. It was a typical main-cap bearing, uni-crown fork design for the 80s, with a Miyata seat on it. I don’t have one of those but I did pick up a Univega/Miyata on eBay a few years back…
i am going to be up to 6 soon