Tell me you views on euthanasia for my essay (religious)

I have to do a report on a ethical issue in my Study of Religons class and i have chosen euthanasia. So if you have some spare time i appreiciate it if somebody could fill out these questions.
I don’t care what religion you are, anyone can fill it out. If you don’t want to respond with the answers publicly you can PM me.

  1. Do you consider yourself a religious person?
  2. Which religion/denomination are you most associated with?
  3. What are your Relgion’s/church’s views on euthanasia and prolonging of life?
  4. Do your personal views on euthanasia and prolonging of like differ from your Relgion’s/church’s views? if so, explain
  5. Can you think of any situation where euthanasia would be justified?
  6. Can you think of any situation where the prolonging of life would be justified?

P.S If you are wanting to participate properly please don’t read other peoples responses before replying.

thank you

  1. No
  2. Taoism
  3. In Taoist view, uselessly prolonging a life through life-sustaining devices or futilely treating an incurable terminal patient is against the will of Heaven.
  4. No
  5. No
  6. Only by reasons that are gratifying to others than the person who would be prolonged.
  1. yes
  2. I don’t exactly have a religion at the moment, I’m searching.
  3. I believe that no one should be kept alive artificially, ever.
  4. Nope
  5. if someone was really, really, really old, and they were on life support, and there was no way they could possibly ‘get better,’ and especially if the patient wants to die, then there is no reason to keep them alive.
  6. if they believe there is some hope of recovery, and if the patient is not in too much pain, and especially if the patient wants to remain alive.

I messaged you my answers in a private message. Good luck with the report!