What’s this world coming to? Seems absurd, but as usual, we probably don’t have the entire story.
Also check out the user comments on BoingBoing.
What’s this world coming to? Seems absurd, but as usual, we probably don’t have the entire story.
Also check out the user comments on BoingBoing.
Thats dumb. You cant steal in the game they were talking about. Trading is part of the game, and even if it was conned into the trade, you agree to the trade and the rules along with the trade. If youa re killed and your items drops and picked up by others, also not steeling.
I hope they never look up my gaming history. Ive “stolen” thousands of things.
In fact, ill go steal some stuff right now, just for old times sake.
Oops, forgot he was beat up and then threatened/forced to log in and send it over. Guess that counts. Im tired.
I always think its pathetic how low people go when it comes to games. Peop[le ahve tried this stuff plenty of times with me. lol
What the…!!!
Does this mean kids can lose their virginity through cybersex?
We must shut down the Internet immediately! Think of the children!
I must move out of the country! I can hear the cops coming!
If they arrest me Im going to spend rest of my life in prison.
(LOL! :D)
(If they would give me similar punishment than thoes guys, Im gona spend a very long time in a prison.
In a world where one can believe that lusting in your heart for someone other than your spouse is the moral equivalent of actual adultery, uglies bumping and all, this makes perfect sense to me.
Lol, I read an article today of someone who has been sentanced 5 years in prison, for virtually ‘killing’ her husband (who she did not know) and cheating on another ‘man’, whom she also did not know
Crazy as geeks. I know kids who still cry over games. I’ve lost interest with most games, I will not spend money on them anymore. People should get a hobby like unicycling, biking or whatever to keep them fit IMO.
what the hell! That’s pathetic, it’s like going on GTA and nicking a car, or money. It means nothing! Games are stupid.
360 hrs between two ppl?!?!
I used to play RS and I’ve done that plenty of times, plus had lots of ppl try taking stuff from me
I couldn’t find this in the article… was this a hypothetical statement? If its true, then those kids should be penalized for beating him up, not stealing virtual items.
Honestly I think its a good thing kids are getting scammed in games, despite them wasting lots of time to get the in-game money to earn these items. At least they might learn their lesson before they get scammed for something actually important.
The two gamers, took the 3rd gamer, forcefully, to their house, where they beat him up, and threatened him with a knife. Forcing him to log onto his account, and trading over the items.
I think they the priority of what they should be punished for, is the physical harm first, then the virtual stealing.
yeah, get done for threatening someone with a knife, not for stealing in a game. What they did was actually pathetic though.