Team America: world police

not only is this the second funniest movie ever, it’s also true.
this is an extreme version of just how the american governement works. They really don’t care about serving the world, they care about the world serving them. it makes us think, how much does the government withold from us, what was the real cause of 9-11, i’m sure that the alquaida didn’t just decide to attack the states, i’m not defending them theyt shopuldn’t have done it, but what made them do it, what is the government witholding from us, they try and make themselves seem like the heros by releasing certain information. take a look at bush, he’s maintained his entire time as president based on lies,m witholding information and cheating. where not going to stop war by increasing the pressure and intensity of attacks, the only way to stop war is to stop this madness. to put Money aside, the american econmy is based upon fear, not on needs, we don’t need fat farm, CK or nike, it’s that we’re afraid of who we are, so we continue to purchase to cover up who we are, because we’re afraid people will not like it. it’s not alright to lie, nor is it alright to kill yet the governments across the world do it all the time, in order to maintain power, isn’t it ironic that 911 hapened when bush went to power, everyone new he cheated on the polls he needed something to cover it up, to bring out a larger issue that he could handle and what’s better than somethiong that barely happens an attack upon the “greatest” nation in the world, the united states of america. Also slavery, people thought it was over with but it is not, Institutionalised slavery is all around us it’s seen in wealthfare to work programs, where poor families are subject to take a bus out of town early in the morning and return late at nght, doing a job that they get payed little for. if they refuse to go to workj thye will not recieve their welfare, yet the money they recieve is barely enough to keep tem going. this takes parents out of the homes, now no one ensures that the children will do they’re homework or stay away from gangs, the child is left to the media and what they learn from other students. not to mention the slums, the rent in slums is based upon your income, so no matter how much money you make you cannot escape the slums you are trapped with no possible future except to feed the apartment owner.

i realise these thoughts are incomplete and very sattered but this was spure of the moment and all true, i don’t know what will come of the world but by the looks of things, it’s going to $h!t.

While the movie was created with the intent to only entertain, and not influence poor undeveloped minds such as yours logan(obviously retarded), It is a ridiculously funny movie that will offend everyone and make them laugh too. My favorite parts are Matt Damon Fighting, retarded “Matt Damon Matt Damon!” retarded and when the guy is throwing up and he stops and starts, I was rolling on the floor at those points. A really good movie none the less.

isnt there liek a seven minuter sex scene, i think that SICK i dotn want to see mareonets having sex! thats dirty!

I nhave never heard of a seven “Minuter” sex scene, but there is puppets making babies, if that is what you mean…

catboy… go back to the Film Actors Guild. i don’t even know how you got into the movie your 14.

here’s some memerable scenes from the movie, i don’t know why the 911 times 1000 or 911 times 5236 isn’t in there cause it was rediculously funny.

team america

the sex scene is hilarious, when she’s doing a handstand, bahaha sooooo funny!!!

I’m gonna see the movie again

I should have just walked away instead of being caught in the vortex known as Logan.

Here is the Trailer fo those who havent seen it:

Team America Trailer.


Rented this this weekend. It is hysterical funny satire. Like the best of Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention, e.g. We’re Only in It for the Money, this film makes fun of everyone of any ideological bent.

It is astoundingly raunchy though. Highly recommended for those who don’t object to foul language of the worst kind or marionette sex and violence.

I saw it a couple of weeks ago and it was fall down funny. It insults everyone which is crucial for a good movie. The Eiffel Tower falling onto the Louve was one of my favorites followed by the incredulous behavior of the French as Team America assures them they are now safe. I was particularly fond of the insulting bird-like chatter of the terrorists.

I also thought that it was a very funny movie and a must see for anyone who likes the south park movies kind of humor. Lots of swear words and insults to everyone everywhere. I do think that the “plot” has some truth behind it and it does make one think more on the subject. Nonetheless, I think it is a great movie.

The desire of love is to give,
the desire of lust is to get.

As I have the pircacy-version, the raw cutted screening copy for the film-rating, which was “lost” from the labs… so I’ve seen the non-censorred version. And I’m affraid that scene did not contain truth love.

As I’m very into industrial robotics I love the puppets!

Also some of the studio-work was total ridiculous: some crowded screne’s did not have enough space for all puppeteers. Imagen how it’s like to hang “duck-taped” on the ceiling in a climber-harness, having 30’ wires.

Was the hardest one. Here’s a pic token on it.
Have you noticed the crossaint-tiles in the pavements, that were in the movie?


Re: Team America: world police

and he’s probably gone now?

am i the only one around here who would really like to know which movie Logan_A considers the funniest ever?

Re: Re: Team America: world police

I considered wondering about that, but decided against it.

Here’s the only clue I could find though.

Re: Re: Re: Team America: world police

oh well searched sir
yeah, i guess that would make some strange kind of sense

haven’t put too much thought into ‘funniest movie ever’
i suspect my vote could go to ‘A Fish Called Wanda’

Re: Re: Re: Re: Team America: world police

I can safely say that you’re wrong about that. I will offer my, correct, alternative later when I think what it is.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Team America: world police

oh no, i meant my funniest movie ever

i doubt if Logan_A could smell like a fish even if u punched him full of holes and used him as a net


Should puppeteers suffer for their art any less than other kinds of creative geniuses?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Team America: world police

I don’t care whose funny you mean, you’re still wrong. This Is Spinal Tap and Best in Show were both much funnier.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Team America: world police

i suspect u’re right
on both counts
my recent rewatch of spinal tap was everything i’d hoped it would be
and more
is that folk-music based movie by the ‘best in show’ gang out yet?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Team America: world police

A Mighty Wind has been out for quite some time. Also a gem.

That’s up to each puppeteer her/him-self.