
ok he got his own unicycle and he wants to know how much jumping it can handle and i have no clue because i never had one. It is a torker cx 24" (he got it for $20 locally and it is brand new :astonished: … the owner gave up) and when he is good enough to jump he wants to find out how much height it can handle.

you mean 99.9999999 times he will land on his feet

From my experiences, a Torker CX can handle the beginning phases of learning to jump, up to at least curbs and such. As far as drops, I honestly wouldn’t trust it for more drops over a foot high, unless he’s planning on getting a new, better unicycle soon afterwards.

Landing on your feet a fraction of a time? A worthwhile endeavor, I’m sure.



That wasn’t directed at you.

It won’t handle much…mine was creaking dangerously after learning how to hop up/down curbs, and a few ~9 inch drops…if he’s serious, I recommend the 20" DX…smaller tire= more control

he should try getting both cranks to go around. perhaps one of the cranks isn’t connected. that would make learning much harder.


i ment he can get 4 revolutions but he now is better then that now