Hey guys,
I’ve been “hired” by intersport to teach people how to uni. Intersport bought five uni’s so i’m wondering how i can teach five folks at the same time?
Any tricks, or good advice to tell the people?
Hey guys,
I’ve been “hired” by intersport to teach people how to uni. Intersport bought five uni’s so i’m wondering how i can teach five folks at the same time?
Any tricks, or good advice to tell the people?
How much are they paying you?
if they’re really new, you’re best bet is a ballet barre. however, most have mirrors behind them so a gymnasium or other flat floor with a railing is great.
give em helmets, knee pads, and wrist guards so they don’t kill themselves.
make sure you teach them to idle so if they’re all going around the gym they can pause so they don’t crash into each other.
You know the basics of riding, and you learned them while you were first learning, so teach them those, tell them that most of it is just to get on and pedal, and that some ppl will learn how to ride faster than others, so the slower ones wont get to discouraged, have them start out by a wall or rail if you can find a good rail, then just let them go for it.
Once they start getting the hang of it, have them work a lot on turning, doing figure 8s, just so the chances of running into eachoter will decrease, plus it just helps in their riding, then you can move them onto idiling, riding backwards, doing small static hops and rolling hops, riding one footed, and just go on from there =p
Oh, try not to just teach one style of unicycling, you can teach them trials, street, freestyle, do some beinners muni runs, but most of all, make sure everyone is having fun =p
just use what youve learned and apply it to them.
sit up tall
hips forward
arms out
dont panic, just step off
seat positioning for the guys…
everything that you learnd to do
make sure you tell them to bring bike shorts
You know, i don’t know… The last time my friend did something for them they got him a new unicycle seat of about $40 value.
I think this thing will only be for about one afternoon so most won’t even start riding so i don’t have to worry too much about teaching jumps and stuff yet. However I think if the group is good i could start like a club like thing… mmm club like thing…