Yippee for warm beverages! I love both my coffee and my tea. Coffee first thing in the morning, then green tea the rest of the day. In the evenings, our family often enjoys herbal tea, more in the wintertime for that though.
Check out great conversations in the following threads:
I don’t see a thread specifically dedicated to the world’s finest beverage, and since I’m having a fine cup of brew this morning, I thought I’d hit you all up for comments.
My sister, Rhonda, brought me back a bag of organic Guatemalan coffee from her adoption trip to Guatemala and I brewed some of it for the first time this morning. It is one fine cup of coffee, especially when accompanied by a chocolate fudge Pop Tart. I love good coffee, strong and black. I’m the only coffee drinker in th…
Talk about useless information… (Hopefully my British compadres can help me out here.)
My family and I love tea with honey and have a cup almost nightly. My question is, how do I know when the teabag is done steeping, when I’ve got all the tea I’m going to get out of the leaves? Where is the line when the bag becomes usless? Is there a timeline for teabag effectiveness? These are questions of great eternal importance, ya know.
Secondly, we’ve been drinking the standard black tea and someti…