I used to be able to buy green coffee beans at wholesale price as long as it was for personal use. I could go from green bean to a fresh cup of coffee in less than 15 minutes. I am an avid coffee and tea drinker.
I ordered some coffee from Peets and my wife ordered tea. Along with Earl Grey and several samples, she ordered a china black tea named “Lapsang Souchong” a very smoky flavored tea. The leaves are smoked with burning pine roots while drying. Mmmmm.
I have fallen in love with it. I take it either lightly brewed or strong. Either way suits me.
Enjoy your tea
I drink a lot of tea. This morning a green tea with jasmine. I also love Chamomile and mint tea in the summer.
Tea is great. I wish I knew more about it. There is a company named the Tao of Tea that has a lot of information about the teas that they sell. I sometimes shop there when I feel decadent.
There is also a tea plantation open to the public in South Carolina. I might go visit sometime.
i’d never had green tea before until i went to a chinese resturant. apparently they have all these awards for all their food or something. anyway they have the best green tea. i don’t usually drink green tea or any tea for that matter but that night i drank 6 or 7 cups of it, after one sip i was hooked. im starting to think they put something in the tea
Yippee for warm beverages! I love both my coffee and my tea. Coffee first thing in the morning, then green tea the rest of the day. In the evenings, our family often enjoys herbal tea, more in the wintertime for that though.
Check out great conversations in the following threads:
I have been raised on green tea
and now runs on black tea
but hate when tea is perfumed with other things be it smoke or whatever “perfume”.
Tea should suffice by itself (with the exception of moroccan green tea with fresh “nana” mint :o )
Oops sorry: many people call “tea” very good hot brewed plants … I may like those too but it isn’t tea.
i prefer my beverages ice cold
Try mixing a little Lapsang Souchong with unflavored black tea. I like it that way because you can taste both the tea and the smoke.
I used to just drink coffee, but either age, diabetes, or meds for it are causing a lot of upset stomach problems after very much coffee
podzol, I can’t do mint anymore. I can drink it, but there better be a clear path to the boys room. BAD! Green, black, or herbal.
yoopers, thanks for the links. Obviously I forgot to search first.
Borges, I will try that. Thanks.
Funny, here I am eating a late brunch and drinking green tea. Life is good.
Tea good. I was raised on Lipton’s Iced Tea back when you had to make it, instead of being able to buy it in a bottle. Not sure my parents were hip to how much caffiene it was giving me, nor was I. I just knew I liked it liked it liked it liked it zoom zoom zoom.
I still do, although for the most part I just buy the unsweetened bottles. When it’s time for a cuppa tea, it’s Earl Grey, Hot–like Picard–or for late night, Chamomile or Red Zinger.
There was a natural foods place in Salt Lake I used to like where you could just mix your own blend. I loved a mix of hibiscus, rose hips, eucalyptus, and chamomile. I’d brew that an mix in a spoonful of cranberry concentrate. Very red, very yummy. Then for some reason the eucalyptus wasn’t available anymore. Just wasn’t the same after that.
that’s why it is impossible to drink beer in Australia it always send your teeth gritting …
Did you ever tried to drink a hot tea when the temperature outside is scorching hot? you should … and you will be surprised.
tomblackwood, you bring up some good names there
My wife had a small wicket basket that she kept tea in for her friends that would come to visit. Green, black, herbal, etc. She was pretty popular with our guests/friends.
Rose hips grow abundantly in Alaska but I have never drank a fresh tea from them. What most of us did love, though, was rose hip jelly. Now that was good.
I think some of the stuff that is passed off for tea (as in teabags) nowadays is something swept off the floor.
wobbling bear, in the mid 60’s I got to go stay with my grandparents for a summer. They were about retirement age but did some work to make ends meet. My grandfather did some gardening or light landscaping for people in the community. I had left Alaska and flew down to be with them in Arkansas for the summer and now I was outside working and thinking I was going to melt or kill myself. We would go to the house for lunch, and after the meal, grandpa would heat up the coffee. He would have a cup or two and told me to have some. It would help cool me off. At the time, I thought he was crazy, but I loved them dearly, so did whatever either one said or told me to do. I have been known to have a hot cup in the hot afternoons since them
I drink tea made from bog standard teabags.
I don’t drink coffee.
Im not big on coffee but i really like tea. My favourite tea is lemon honey, very smooth tea. Acctually im not even sure if its really tea, i just boil watter and pour it over lemmon slices in a cup then mix in some honey…Mmmmm im gonna go make some now!
oh yeah, you can never have enouph tea! i also drink to much of the stuff. i also drink alot of coffee, iam drinking coffee as iam typing right now!
I had to go out of town to do some errands and on the way home I stopped and bought my wife some peach tea. I don’t know how they make it/brew it, but she loves it.
She will be happy when she sees it and everything is better when the mrs. is happy.
For coffee, I am not much of a drinker of it, maybe a cup of coffee a month, and I really dont enjoy those coffee with the large names that I can never remember, like a triple hubawhatsit caramel iced camalato supreme. They taste good, but if I am drinking coffee, its just regular black coffee with some cream and sugar.
Tea, I love tea, all kinds of it. =p
MMMM black coffee. My family is like all tea and coffe this tea and coffee that.
I haven’t had a cup of tea or coffee for around six years.
I used to have one every time I had a cigarette, but when I jacked in smoking, the tea and coffee went too.
If I had a cup now I’d probably bounce off the walls.
Used to drink loads of tea, every day. I’m a green tea feind. But decaf tea is gross, and I don’t like caffiene, so I’ve quit drinking tea for now.
for those of you who are tea drinkers: do you put sugar in it?
my answer :
no sugar at all … except with Moroccan green tea with mint (which is for me a totally different drink … for the summer! this, by the way, is the only drink containing sugar I like )