talk about junk mail


Thanks for the great letter in the mail today. I got your muni militia payment, and so many other bonuses.

It was like you took the best of sundays thrown away paper after the dog was done with them. But you did include a sweet cupon for some blimpies. I would hit that up right way, but I would have to go way out of my way to get to a blimpies. Next time I’m in the neighborhood though.

Was there any symbolic choices with the combination of stuff you included I found it very interesting, but it kinda stunk so I wasnt gonna play with it too much :wink:


just be glad that you got 10 bucks, the rest was free creativity…tax deductible.

whew i made it,last night i could barely read.heavily intoxicated)

anyway,i love sending beats this untangable computer world anyday.if anyone else wants a letter just send me your address.ive got lots of stamps.

C-nuts,my kid put on the frankenstein sticker.there are certainly no blimpies around here.what do you mean it stank?i dont think i farted in it before sealing.

I’m still not sure about the smell… I think it was just the news print, but you never do know.

After thinking about this long and hard I think my fav. thing you sent in there would be the frankenstien sticker. Its currently on my moniter next to a Muni Militia sticker.

a close second was the shopping recept. Its quite the shopping list.
red pepper
wheat bran
samon fellet
a cookie cutter (on sale)
and potatoes

Sounds like a tastey meal. and you only spent 9.03 on it I was amazed. I wish We had a Fred Meyer arround here the prices seem good.

This was deffenatlly the most fun letter I got from you militia riders, with catboys ziggy card and harpers “you should blow more things up in your next video” comming in 3rd


An exotic Saudi Arabian dish, perhaps?