Talk about a CLOSE CALL!!!

Unbelievable really! :astonished:

holy s***, theymay not have died, but i bet their underpants did.

That was quite close.

I was hoping for closer tho

Like I just wrote in a different thread this morning, the train always wins. What were they thinking?

Probably that the train wasn’t going as freaky-fast as it was, maybe? That was fast. I remember a rail crossing in Tokyo, down the street from our dorms at Unicon XII, where the trains flew by very fast, and they were constant. If you were near that crossing you had to assume another train was coming at any time!

Why would you even think about crossing that close to the train. Wouldn’t common sense lead a half-way smart person to LOOKING before crossing. Just like your mom always tells you “Look before you cross!!!”. Well… I guess now-adays common sense is the most uncommon thing! :angry: :astonished:

They don’t call them the Darwin Awards for nothing! For now I’ll stick with my guess that the people grossly underestimated the speed of the approaching train, which looked to be in the 75mph+ range, maybe 100.

More like 125.

This person would DEFINATLEY deserve a darwin award. If I saw an approaching train going at 20 MPH, I would wait until it crossed. I wouldn’t even risk it.

It depends; if I was busy riding the railroad track skinny, I wouldn’t let a fast approaching killer train interrupt my skinny practice! :sunglasses: Couldn’t they just stop until I was finished? I mean comon, I could be setting a new record for myself, and afterall that’s so much more important than a stupid train that might run over me!:wink: And I would think it would be easier for the train conductor to simply turn to the left or right, or change lanes to avoid me…it’s not like he has to go straight and plow right into me!

Yeh! With the fact that trains can stop on a dime, and are as manueverable (sp?) as a unicycle, they should have to watch out for us! laughs

Your post made me chuckle! :smiley:

Haha yeah I was just waiting to see if anybody took me seriously!:stuck_out_tongue:

This is also a close call incident. :astonished: :astonished:

What is wrong with these people. :angry:

This is what happens when you really do get hit by a train…warning! GRAPHIC! (And very sad.)

For some reason that last movie looked fakie It didn’t seem realistic.

There aren’t enough "O"s in Stoopid to describe those people.

I guess it’s too far to use the pedestrian overpass in the first vid.

This must be where cartoon characters get the idea of running along the tracks to get away from speeding trains. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t know which of the people in those three videos is stupider; I guess they’re all about equal though the first one looks more accidental than the other two. That last one looks like an adult and a child. Can you say bad parenting? Unfortunately the clip doesn’t look fake to me. If the camera hadn’t moved to follow the path of the hit person, that would make it look like someone had altered it.

Dang Terry…that last video is definitely one of those things you really wish you could unsee. Yikes, that was horrible. Why is it that somehow I come across some material on the internet nearly every day that I wish I hadn’t looked at in the first place. Recently it was another train one, but a subway and a guy’s head jammed between the train and the platform.

Yeah I know what you mean…that’s why I put a warning that it was graphic. :sunglasses: I think it’s just morbid curiousity that makes people watch things like that; that’s why we slow down for traffic accidents; by “we” i mean in “most” people, in general.

I couldn’t see “your” first vid Muniaddict (restrictions in the office :frowning: ) but this remind me of the only car crash I’ve been experiencing:
red lights, fences going down: my father stops the car (4 people in the car).
a few seconds later we all hear a big noise and feel a big acceleration.
We where hit by a car whom driver hadn’t seen the red lights…
our car crossed the railroad just in front of the train and drifted on 25 meters (according to the police who measured the skids marks)
The train driver told us (after having ran a few kilometers) that he thought he would smash the car…
according to the driver, 10cm (4inches!) “later” we where all dead.
It gives another meaning to the words “enjoy life”
I’ve always been wondering since that time if some stuntmen would try this.

Whoa, that’s quite a story. What happened to the car that hit you? It didn’t end up in the path of the train?