Talent show help

I am in a talent show for my highschool and I will be riding my 20" sun unicycle and My 6ft Savage unicycle any tricks that get the crowd going or anything funny that I could do?

Seat drops, riding backwards, riding one-footed, supermans (they’re kinda hard to learn though)… Those seem to get people’s attention :stuck_out_tongue:

edit: Especially any of the above done on the giraffe. They’ll love that.

Seat drops on a giraffe! Now that I’d like to see… :smiley:

I think there have been a few similar threads here recently. You could read those to get some inspiration?

The search was pretty useless for me, but here are a few threads which might help:


Good luck!

My recommendation is to search the dozens of similar threads on here (most in the unicycling section); lots of great advice in there!

Thanks alot guys!!!

And a superman too! :astonished: