Taking Trials Unicycle on Plane

Even if you could get your unicycle dis-assembled and packed down to the size required for carry-on, I think you would have problems getting it through security. They don’t specifically exclude unicycles but I think they could make a discretionary call on the components.

If they don’t allow large tools, such as wrenches, why whould they allow a unicycle frame, which could make quite a weapon?

Edit: P.S. This thread belonged in RSU.

Yes i agree they’re unlikely to let you take large heavy chunks of metal in carry-on, I got stopped with a bike pump and some pedals during the summer, they let me through eventually but for something like a frame it could be a different matter, you could really swing at someone with one of those.

Wouldn’t it be easier to buy another ticket at a discount price and make your unicycle board a plane and sit next to you. That’s how i do it.

Just bring it on the plane whole. If they ask you what it is, tell them it’s a bomb.

I took a 20" torker trainer an the plane. I went from IN to FL. They told me i would have to pay a bike fee, but i told them i could put the seat in my backpack. So they let me carry the whole thing as a carry on and take it on the plane (when i got to Florida i rode it around inside the airport when my parents were getting our luggage. Alot of people stared at me i wonder why???)
ps unis are fun on the beach

Oh yeah, I’m pretty sure you’ll get on the plane with flying colours. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I’ve ridden my coker on the beach. It’s fun to try, as for the airport run-around. Me and my friends raced each on our monsters through the terminals. My friends unicycles vary from 10" to 51" :smiley: :smiley: :D. The one who owns the 51" told me it was a custom made job and till this day i wanted to know where they got it from. Imagine the speed attainable on that monster. Apparently the top speed they’ve done is 60km/h on a good day. :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: