Take care of yourself or may may end up like this!

Here is a picture of the famous actor and star of countless films of the 40’s and 50’s, like “The adventures of Robinhood”. This is Errol Flynn at age 49, not long before he died at age 50!

The coroner was quoted as saying “he looked like an old man of 80.” In this photo, he is nearly THREE years younger than I am now, and he pretty much destroyed his body with alcohol. Hey kids, don’t try this at home!:smiley:


i would rather live 50 years with a life than 80 years without one.

But yeah, me too. Actually I’d rather live 80 years with a life than 50 years with a life.

Who says it has to be either/or. You can live to be 80, look realtively good, be in great shape and have a great life! So your reply was a total non-sequitor.

Haha not at all. Who said anything about not having a life? Not me. You can live life to the hilt and not wear yourself out, but drugs, alcohol and bad habits can cut your [only] life way short. That’s no fun.

But, to be honest, Flynn packed more into his 50 years than most ppl do in 5 lifetimes, so I don’t feel too bad about him dying at 50. :slight_smile: Thing is, he could have lived much, much longer if he hadn’t drank himself to death, and would’ve had even a better life than he did, whcih was pretty amazing!


Terry, I totally agree with you man.

It is certainly better to die than never to live. Too many people waste their lives trying to postpone their deaths.

But alcoholism is no joke. There is an important and fundamental difference between enjoying a drink and sometimes getting drunk, and being an alcoholic. I have met many jovial alcoholics, but no happy ones.

That statement doesn’t fully make sense. Everybody has their own idea of what “living” is all about. Some people are content and vey happy leading “simple” uneventful lives. Others are daredevils and tempt fate at every turn; I’m somewhere in the middle, but there is no doubt that I have had a more varied and colorful life (so far) than the average person. Live smart, not hard! :sunglasses:

too late

Haha that’s hilavious!:smiley: I bet you get great reception with those rabbit ears!!!

What about those people who grow really fast and only have 50 years to live like me?

Heres me at 5, I’m part chinese!


Well at least it looks like you’ll never go bald! :roll_eyes: And shaving would be a nightmare!

One can live an incredible full rewarding life without destroying oneself and ones loved ones by abusing substances.

Thank you!:stuck_out_tongue:

Sanctimonius a**hole ! , his life & noone elses

Except of course the small matter of his four children. Welcome to the forums by the way.

Thread jack!!!
I had to look this up

I used to wanta a tail (when I was a kid). Then I realized it would be pink and bald. Yuck. I changed my mind. I should have wished for a tail and hypertrichosis.

For the record, this thread was started by the Ned Flanders of the forums (in a good way).

Who is May?

ha ha


??? :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: Please clarify.:slight_smile: