fyi chipotle is bland and owned by mcdonald’s. here in Central iowa (ames) we have a place called “the flying burrito”. Burritos are awesome, have insane amount of options, cheap $4.75 for a burrito as big as your head. honest. they also deliver. from 11 am - 4 am. If you’re ever in the area and don’t eat there i will hunt you down and beat you.
Beans are scary…
Tacos = yumm
go kristene i hate burritoes but tacoes rule my world
i don’t plan on going to iowa any time soon… and as for the bland part… ignorance is bliss thank you very much!
Actually while it is true the chipotle is owned by mcdonalds we could only wish mcdonalds was run like chipotle.
If you check out their website they are very open about working pratices, benifits, exe. From what I understand Chipotle is a public company Mcdonalds just happend to latch on and buy up a good 90% of it or something crazy like that. Eventually we can expect it to grow to 100% pure corperate greed but intill then we can hope that 10% or so fights back with all their might.
Benny’s Burritos in NYC if they’re still in business. Mmmmm.
Soft shell tacos? Okay. Burritos? Better. Hard-shelled tacos? Those are near the top of my list of “stupid foods.” Why?
- You have to turn your head sideways to eat it.
- Once you bite in, you’ve started a process of general destruction of the food-holding shell.
- The shell squeezes all the contents out the ends, even if the bottom hasn’t already cracked through.
So am I doing something wrong with those things?
Soft tacos have the same problems but to a much lesser degree. Burritos use the same basic ingredients (which the eater can change to the exact same ingredients) in a much more hand-eatable design. If part of the food item is intended as a container, why not use a smart container instead of a stupid one? Burritos (not “burrito’s,” thank you very much) all the way, with the occasional taco for variety.
To answer you, Mr. Foss, is why god invented taco brovos. A hard shell in a soft shell connected with chees, simply genious.
i had some good tacos from taco bell a rarity if you ask me… anyone else like tacos?
dude i get like 2 free tacos from taco bell next month and it will be my birthday month so itll be tasty, maybe ill uni there Again.
yeah so i made some steak taco’s and they are super good… you guys like tacos?
burritos pwn my tastebuds.
funny you should mention this,
I was at a friends’ house a few hours ago and someone was using the computer and talking to another person who I wanted to say something to. just one sentence! he was like “no, you can use the comp when I’m done.” he wasnt even talking to the person that he had the conversation window open with. When I pointed this out to him (that their conversation had disintegrated to ‘yeahs’ and ‘hmms’) he typed “tacos” so that he could claim to at least be saying something to the other person.
but yeah, hardshell tacos < softshell tacos < burritos.
I love tacos util my rim tacos
Black bean tacos with lots of grilled veggies and soy cheese is my shit.
i had taco’s tonight! they are nice as, though i like burittos better!
the reason? corn tortillas >> flour tortillas.
Steak… is… good!
Much better.
i ate at a place called la bombas… the sign was burritoesas big as your head.
they were like 4 lbs … it was insane!!!
chipotle has good tacos. mmmmm tacos:)